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2015/08 第十位神化身(7)
摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
1953年,伊斯瓦罗姆玛去找斯瓦米,谈及有关她的第二个高尚的愿望。她的第一个愿望是在1948年跟斯瓦米提起的,那就是在村里挖口井,让村民们有水饮用。斯瓦米于是在旧神殿后面掘了一口井;这口井从不干涸,不论抽出多少水。这一次,她的愿望是为村民们提供医药服务。斯瓦米很赞赏她的高尚愿望;这些愿望都是造福社会人群的。她从不为了自己的利益而要求任何东西。斯瓦米接受她的愿望并发出指示,建一所十二个床位的医院,六个男床位,六个女床位。计划已拟定而蓝图也准备好了。斯瓦米于1954年11月23日主持奠基典礼。志愿工作者们既虔诚又献身地工作,而最后这所中央医院于1956年10月4日由安得拉邦首席部长劳勿博士(Dr Bezawada Gopal Rao)主持开幕典礼。

斯瓦米于1957年3月16日所作的主旨讲演在观众间掀起一阵骚动。人们站起来热烈鼓掌并要求祂第二天再作一次讲演。斯瓦米于1957年3月17日的讲演受到如雷掌声的欢呼。学者们无不陶醉其中而感到心悦诚服。有两位来自‘ 神圣生命协会’ 的修行者,Satchidananda(萨基达南达)和Sadananda(萨达南达),就是这聚会的发起人,他们对斯瓦米的印象特别深刻,崇拜得五体投地,并要求斯瓦米准许他们陪伴祂到Kodaikanal(歌戴卡纳尔)。斯瓦米不但允许他们同往,甚至还允许他们继续到坎雅古曼里(Kanyakumari)和布达峇地。他们喜出望外并见证了许多扣人心弦的神迹而完全证实与确认斯瓦米的神性。萨基达南达描述当斯瓦米叫他面谈的情形。祂谈及一个37年前发生在萨基达南达身上的罕见的神奇事迹,那是斯瓦米诞生前五年的事情。萨基达南达深感惊讶并问祂,怎么知道在祂出生之前的事。就這一点,斯瓦米回答,“我是生出来的吗?我会死亡吗?我超越生死,超越意识,超越属性。超越任何可以被认知的事物,因为我是我。” 他们决定写信给他们的导师,住在里希克士(Rishikesh)的斯瓦米湿婆南达(Sivananda),报告有关他们所体验的事迹并要求他邀请祂到精舍来。这两个修行者觉得斯瓦米能治愈他们导师,导师坐在轮椅上,下半身瘫痪。湿婆南达的邀请函寄到而斯瓦米决定接受邀请并带一组信徒到位于里希克士的精舍。祂微笑地告诉他们,不必担心他们导师的健康。祂会照顾他们的导师。


斯瓦米于1957年7月22日傍晚时分带着祂的一组人到达位于里希克士的‘神圣生命协会’ 精舍。斯瓦米湿婆南达坐着轮椅来迎接祂。第二天早上,斯瓦米向精舍的学生们致辞,而致辞完毕后,祂变现一条具有108 颗rudraksha(金刚菩提子)念珠的大项链,每一颗念珠都以金包装,于其中央的是一颗五面大珠。祂置此礼物于斯瓦米湿婆南达的颈上并向他保证,在一个极短的时间内,他会变得精神奕奕,健康如初。

第二天斯瓦米首先带祂的团队到噶哈瓦尔王后(Rani of Garhwal)的居所,而在回程中,停留于婆喜史多山洞(Vashista Guha)并赐予达瞻(darshan)给受人尊敬的高人,布鲁烁塔曼南(Purushottamanand)。第二天他们又到婆喜史多山洞。祂变现一条闪闪发亮的水晶念珠给布鲁烁塔曼南。然后祂吩咐大家离开山洞。布鲁烁塔曼南以坐禅的坐姿坐着,斯瓦米躺下把头放在布鲁烁塔曼南的腿上。突然间,斯瓦米的身体浸濡于神圣的光辉之中而祂的头和脸看似增大了。祂的脸散发出光辉。有一个人从半开的门外看到这景象,他感到既惊讶又喜悦,震撼得说不出话来。


当时每天下午四点都有著名的学者来讲演。在1957年12月2日,一个来自萨勒姆(Salem),名叫勒斯米那罗延那沙斯特里(Lakshminarayana Shastri)的学者讲述国王安巴里沙(King Ambarisha)的一则故事。讲到一半时,斯瓦米插进来说,那学者所描述的故事是一个普遍的说法,就是,国王在提供食物之前,正等着敝衣仙人(Durvasa Muni,印度神话中的仙人,脾气古怪)从他的早浴回来。斯瓦米说实际上是国王提供食物给来到那里的圣贤。当敝衣仙人回来时,食物已供应给两三组的圣贤了。敝衣仙人看到圣贤们在他回来之前已用餐,一怒之下咀咒食物变成蛆蛆,强迫圣贤们抛开食物而起身。国王安巴里沙深感伤痛而向毗湿奴(Vishnu)祈求。毗湿奴发出祂的盘状武器Sudarshan Chakra(Sudarshan美妙的显现,chakra轮或盘)瞄向敝衣仙人。敝衣仙人在Chakra紧追之下逃向湿婆,请求保护。湿婆拒绝他的请求因为他太过自我膨胀。敝衣仙人于是转向毗湿奴请求保护,但毗湿奴说,祂只知道怎么发出Chakra,而不知道如何召回它。Chakra 于是告诉敝衣仙人,如果他跪在国王足前请求原谅,并向每一个人道歉,它就放过他。敝衣仙人以自己藉遵从苦行法(gyana marg)练得的八大法力(ashtasidhis)而引以为傲;必须挫挫他的锐气而ashtasidhis修习的危险也必须给予表明。斯瓦米说,持名是最简易和方便的法门。敝衣仙人咽下他的傲慢并要求宽恕,于是,Sudarshan Chakra便放他一马。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 6
The First Educational Institution
On 16 Dec 1951 Swami graced the annual day function of the District Board High School at Bukkapatnam. He commanded Kasturi to unveil His portrait at the function. This school was Swami’s first step in promoting and patronizing educational institutions. A sizable donation from the Raja of Venkatagiri helped in building this school.
Easwaramma’s Second Wish
In 1953 Easwaramma approached Swami with her second noble wish. Her First wish, in 1948, was for a well for the village. Swami got one dug behind the Old Mandir, which never went dry no matter how much water was drawn from it. This time her wish was for medical facility for the village. Swami appreciated her noble wishes, which were all for the benefit of others. She had never asked Him of anything for her personal benefit. Swami accepted her wishes and issued instructions to build a 12 bedded hospital, 6 beds for men and 6 for women. Plans were made and drawings were finalized and Swami laid the foundation stone on 23 Nov 1954. Volunteers worked with great devotion and dedication and the General Hospital was inaugurated on 4 Oct 1956 by Dr Bezawada Gopal Rao, the Chief Minister of Andhra.
Swami’s journeys continued unabated. Most evenings Swami would take devotees to the sands of Chitravathi and spend time on leelas and spiritual discussions, whenever He was not travelling and was in Puttaparthi.

Avatar is One

It was now the beginning of March 1957. Raja of Venkatagiri came to Swami with a prayer and a humble request to preside over the 9th All India Divine Life Society Convention, which was to be held on 16/17 March 1957 at Venkatagiri. Swami protested that He was virtually unknown, whereas there were many well-known sages around. The Raja replied that sages were many, but Avatar was one. Swami smiled and accepted the invitation. This created quite a stir as there were many stories going around about Him, none of them complimentary. Many scholars came, some out of curiosity and some to test Him.

Swami’s keynote address on 16 March 1957 took the gathering by storm. He was given a standing ovation and requested to speak again the next day. Swami’s address on 17 March 1957 was greeted with a thunderous applause. Scholars were charmed and overwhelmed. Two sanyasis from the Divine Life Society, Satchidananda and Sadananda, who had organized the convention, were particularly impressed and asked for permission to accompany Him to Kodaikanal. Swami permitted them to accompany Him even beyond to Kanyakumari and to Puttaparthi. They were overjoyed and witnessed many mind-boggling miracles and became fully convinced about Swami’s Divinity. Satchidananda narrated that when Swami called him for interview He spoke of a rare mystic vision that Satchidananda had experienced thirty seven years ago, that is, five years before Swami was born. Surprised, Satchidananda, asked Him how could He know about things before His birth. To this Swami replied, “Am I born? Do I die? I am beyond birth, beyond death, beyond the senses, beyond the gunas. Beyond anything that can be cognized, for I am I.” They decided to write to their master Swami Sivananda in Rishikesh about their experiences and to request him to invite Him to their Ashram there. The two sanyasis felt that Swami could cure their master, who was confined to a wheelchair, being paralyzed below his waist. Invitation from Sivananda poured in and Swami decided to accept the invitation to go to their Ashram in Rishikesh with a group of devotees. He smilingly told them not to worry about their guru’s health. He would take care of their Guru.
Sasana for Tapovana
In April 1957 while talking to devotees one evening on the sands of Chitravathi, Swami took out from the sands a thick copper plate about 15 inches by 10 inches with mystical markings and letters of many known and unknown alphabets. He said that Sasanas are planted under the trees where Sadhaks (aspirants) do tapas (penance). He announced that He would be placing that Sasana under a banyan tree which He proposed to plant in the Tapovana. This was actually done on 29 June 1957. Swami Satchidananda was present on the occasion and spoke about it at a meeting at Puttaparthi.
Swami Graces Rishikesh
Swami reached the Divine Life Society Ashram in Rishikesh along with His Group on the evening of 22 July 1957. Swami Sivananda received Him while sitting in a wheelchair. The next morning Swami addressed the students of the Ashram and after His talk He materialized a magnificent rudraksha necklace of 108 beads, each encased in gold, with a five faced king bead in the centre. He placed this magnificent gift round the neck of Swami Sivananda and assured him that within a very short time he would be as good as new.

The next day Swami took His group first to the house of Rani of Garhwal and on the return trip stopped at Vashista Guha and gave darshan to the Venerable sage, Purushottamanand. The next day they again went to Vashista Guha. He materialized a japamala of shining sphatik beads and gave it to Purushottamanand. Then he told everybody to leave the cave. Purushottamanand sat down in dhyana posture and Swami lay down with His head on the lap of Purushottamanand. Suddenly Swami’s body was bathed in Divine Brilliance and His head and face appeared to have increased in size. Rays of splendour emanated from His face. A person, who watched the scene through the partially open door, was rendered speechless with wonder and joy.

Swami spent the rest of His time in the Ashram answering spiritual questions from various groups. On the last day of the visit, 28 July 1957, Swami Sivananda, now able to walk on his own, expressed a desire to conduct Swami around the Ashram personally. Swami agreed readily and they set off. At one point they went down the steps to Ganga and Swami dipped a cup in the water and gave it to Sivananda, who was charmed and full of joy, as the water in the cup had been transformed into nectar. Swami blessed Sivananda and other inmates of the Ashram and left for Delhi.

On their return to Delhi, Swami took His group on a short visit to Mathura, Brindavan and Srinagar before going back to Puttaparthi. The members of the group were tired, but Swami was as energetic as ever.
Swami Corrects Shastri
Those days there were talks by eminent scholars every afternoon at 4 o’clock. On 2 December 1957 a scholar named Lakshminarayana Shastri of Salem was narrating an incident in the life of King Ambarisha. Halfway through his talk, Swami intervened and said that what the scholar was narrating was the popular version that the King was waiting for Durvasa Muni to return from his morning ablutions before the food was offered. Swami said that what actually happened was that the King offered food to the saints present there. By the time Durvasa Muni returned, food has been served to two or three batches of the saints. Durvasa was enraged to see the saints having food even before his return and cursed that the food should turn into worms, forcing the saints to push away the food and get up. King Ambarisha felt very sad and prayed to Vishnu, who sent His Sudarshan Chakra aimed at Durvasa Muni. Seeing this Durvasa fled with the Chakra in hot pursuit. He went to Shiva for protection, who refused the Muni’s plea because he had an inflated ego. Durvasa then went to Vishnu for protection, but Vishnu said that He only knew how to send the Chakra, but did not know how to recall it. The Chakra then told the Muni that it would spare him if he fell at the feet of the King and prayed for forgiveness and apologized in front of everybody. Durvasa had prided himself on his mastery of the ashtasidhis by following gyana marg. His ego needed to be deflated and the danger of Sadhana for ashtasiddhis had to be illustrated. Namasmarana was the easiest path, Swami said. Durvasa Muni swallowed his pride and asked for forgiveness, whereupon the Sudarshan Chakra spared him.
To be continued ….
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