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摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
1950年4月14日,时间是晚上九点。在布达峇地,一个名叫瓦拉杜(Varadu)的信徒宣称罗摩那摩诃尔西(Ramana Maharshi)罹患重病,已奄奄一息了。突然间,斯瓦米的身体变得僵硬并且快跌到了。瓦拉杜和另一个叫基士拿的信徒,手拉着手,防止斯瓦米跌倒,并支撑祂的身体以保持平躺状态。突然,斯瓦米的身体摆脱瓦拉杜和基士拿的手而升起,并听到祂含糊的声音,“摩诃尔西已到我这儿来了”。当祂还在空中时,祂的右脚板分开而大约有两公斤芳香的圣灰涌出来,而在场的其他信徒赶快的用器皿把圣灰盛起来。两分钟后,祂的身体下降到瓦拉杜与基士拿的怀里。第二天,消息传来,罗摩那摩诃尔西已于前一晚九时左右离开人世。
1950年11月23日,取名为百善地尼乐园(Prasanthi Nilayam)的新神殿由斯瓦米主持落成典礼。斯瓦米坐在点缀得极为光辉灿烂的开敞的轿子里,由人从旧神殿抬来并高喊着‘Jai Sai Ram’。一路上,斯瓦米满脸笑容地祝福大家。在祂身旁安放了一堆花卉,让斯瓦米不时拿起一些花卉,剥开花瓣,抛向信众。当花瓣落在地上时,人们发现这些花瓣竟转变为金币,刻有舍尔地赛峇峇或沙迪亚赛峇峇或两者的画像。在致辞中,斯瓦米说,“ Prashanti 意谓崇高的Shanti 或平和,而不是介于两个风暴之间的平静。它是心念的至高无上的,不可动摇的宁静,不受激情的干扰;是反映神的爱的一种清明而纯净的智能。Prashanti(百善地)的境界是没有恐惧的。我正在主持的不是一所名叫Prasanthi Nilayam的建筑物而是一个Prasanthi Nilayam(崇高平和)的世界。这个地方没有任何邪念,只会有新生婴儿的纯净心念。凡住在Prasanthi Nilayam(百善地尼乐园)而修习坐禅,赞唱峇赞或执行其他灵性修习者,将不会轮回。” 在回答祂为何给此神殿取名Prasanthi Nilayam 时,斯瓦米解释说,“你不能把我放在人生四个阶段(four ashrams of life)的任何一个,因为我不是一个学生或一个掌管家务者或一个隐遁者也不是一个舍离者,从这个意义上说,它不能算是一个修道院(ashram)。我也不是一个僧侣,一个隐居者或一个苦行者。它不是一所神殿,因为我没有规定任何膜拜仪式或提倡一个赛膜拜方式。然而它确是一个膜拜神明的场所,一个寺庙,人人都可以从中获得Prashanti,即至高无上的平和,凭借静虑于我,也就是无穷无尽的爱就得了。我的任务就是去改造每一颗心,使之成为一个Prasanthi Nilayam(百善地尼乐园)。”
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 5
Guindy Temple
In the meantime work on the New Mandir had started. Swami kept up His journeys as before and on 3 Feb 1949, He went once again to Guindy in Chennai, this time to perform the consecration ceremony of the Shirdi Sai Mandir, of which he had laid the foundation stone on 10 July 1946. Swami manifested a silver idol of Lord Ganesha and nine gems and put them in a pit over which, the idol of Shirdi was to be placed. Then He created a Srichakra and over it placed the idol with His Divine hands. When Swami energized the idol, it levitated in the air for a few seconds before coming down to its position. This was the first time that an avatar consecrated a temple of the previous incarnation.
Ramana Maharshi Reaches God
It is 14 April 1950, the time is 9pm. At Puttaparthi a devotee named Varadu announces that Ramana Maharshi was seriously ill. His end seemed to be near. Suddenly Swami’s body became stiff and was about to fall. Varadu and a devotee named Krishna held hands and prevented Swami’s body from falling and supported His body in a horizontal position. Suddenly Swami’s body rose in the air from the hands of Varadu and Krishna and He was heard to mutter “Maharshi has reached Me”. While still in the air, the sole of His right foot split open and about two kg of sweet smelling vibhuti gushed forth, which was collected in a vessel by other devotees present. After two minutes, His body descended in the arms of Varadu and Krishna. The next day news was received that Ramana Maharshi had passed away at about 9pm the previous night.
Construction of New Mandir
The New Mandir was now ready for inauguration. The engineers had to overcome tremendous odds to construct the building. When plans were ready, funds were insufficient. The iron girders for the roof had reached Penukonda. The big problem was how to transport them to Puttaparthi. The problem was solved in a dramatic manner. Early one morning a crane from Tungabhadra dam site suddenly appeared and broke down before the house of the Chief Engineer, at Anantapur. With Swami’s Grace it was repaired and the driver agreed to transport the girders from Penukonda railway station to Puttaparthi. How the crane with the girders drove over narrow roads with sharp turns and why the old dilapidated culverts did not collapse under combined weight of the crane and the girders, remains a mystery, known only to Swami. It somehow reached the far side of Chitravathi river but crossing the dry sandy river bed seemed impossible. Swami Himself sat beside the driver and handled the controls and the crane safely unloaded the girders at the worksite. Hoisting the girders became possible by the sudden appearance of teams from the Tungabhadra dam site. Nobody was willing to come to a totally unknown place in the middle of nowhere. It was clear to all that without Swami’s Divine intervention this project would have been impossible. He was a leader who inspired people and was both an expert architect and engineer, who suggested a better design, a better method of construction and a better aesthetic look than the professionals. He was a skilful personnel manager, who was an astonishing resource gatherer and showed how to lead and guide men in a practical down-to-earth manner.
Prasanthi Nilayam is Inaugurated
On 23 Nov 1950, the New Mandir, named Prasanthi Nilayam was inaugurated by Swami. Swami was carried from the Old Mandir in a brightly decorated open palanquin and with loud joyous cries of Jai Sai Ram. All the way Swami kept smiling and blessing people. By His side was a heap of flowers and Swami would take some flowers, remove the petals and throw them among the crowd of devotees. When the petals fell on the ground, they were found to have been transformed into gold coins, portraits of Sai Baba of Shirdi or Sathya Sai Baba or both. Speaking on the occasion Swami said, “Prashanti implies the higher Shanti or peace and not the interval of calm between two storms. It is the supreme, unshakeable, serene tranquillity of mind, free from passion; an intellect, cleansed and purified to reflect the Love of God. The state of Prashanti is devoid of fear. I am inaugurating not a building called Prasanthi Nilayam, but the world as Prasanthi Nilayam. Without any bad thoughts, this place will have the mind of a newly born child. Anybody who stays in Prasanthi Nilayam and practices mediation, bhajan or any spiritual practice, will not have rebirth.” Replying to a question why He named the mansion Prasanthi Nilayam, Swami explained, “It is not an ashram in the sense that you cannot place Me in any of the four ashrams of life for I am neither a student, not a householder, nor a recluse and nor a renunciate. Nor am I a monk, a hermit nor an ascetic. It is not a Mandir for I do not prescribe any mode of ritual worship nor propagate a Sai cult. Nevertheless it is a place of worship, a shrine, where all human beings can achieve Prashanti, that is, supreme peace by contemplating on the Infinite Love that I am. My task is to transform every heart into a Prasanthi Nilayam”.
To be continued ….
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