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摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
一天,来自伯奴昆达的一位律师,基士拿马查里(Krishnamachari),莅临并责备伯达文卡巴拉祖,以沙迪亚神圣力量的夸张故事来欺骗和误导单纯的村民。愤怒的伯达文卡巴拉祖和苏巴玛把他们一伙人带到沙迪亚那儿并告诉沙迪亚,他如何遭到侮辱而这完全是因为沙迪亚的关系。沙迪亚答应提供他们所要寻求的一切证据。他首先带苏巴玛到里面的一间房间并让她目睹舍尔地的陵墓的景象,陵墓有花卉与琼脂的香味,还有一个随从坐在角落,念诵着经文。苏巴玛兴奋无比。她走出房间后,Bala Sai(小赛)一一请基士拿马查里及其友人进入,让他们一睹同样的情景并指出各种标记。最后才轮到伯达文卡巴拉祖进入。他出来后简直判若两人。他的怀疑完全消失了。来自伯奴昆达的基士拿马查里及其友人不断地为自己的藐视言论道歉。苏巴玛告诉他们直接到舍尔地去亲眼目睹他们刚才所看到的景象的真实性。伯达文卡巴拉祖吩咐家人要视沙迪亚为圣灵而不再以琐屑之事烦他,不再疏忽他,或急躁地对待他。他领悟到他的父亲昆达玛拉祖所持的态度和观念一直是正确的。
1941年,一位名叫迪甘巴拉斯瓦米(Digambara Swami)的年长修行者,被带到布卡巴特南(Bukkapatnam)来;他已丧失了双腿的操作功能并且不穿衣服。他也发誓保持缄默。他的崇拜者争相观看,当面对着这进行了诸多苦行的老者时,沙迪亚会有什么反应。很多人以为沙迪亚会避开他。适得其反。当迪甘巴拉斯瓦米被抬到苏巴玛的家门时,沙迪亚走出来并把一条大毛巾抛在老修行者的腿上,然后吩咐他身边的人帮他遮蔽好身体。之后,他温和地告诉修行者,如果他已切断与社会的一切关系,就如他的裸体似乎所要表达的,那么他应该远离社会,远遁山林。远遁山林有什么可怕?另一方面,如果他渴求声誉,名望,食物和信徒,那么他就不应该裸体。沙迪亚拍拍修行者的背并说他知道修行者的问题。修行者担心在山林中没有食物和蔽身之所。沙迪亚保证,不论他身在何处,沙迪亚都会提供食物给他。他甚至可以在当下所处的场地静坐,如果他不想离群而居的话。他不应该麻烦他人把他赤身露体地从一处抬到另一处。这老修行者不禁潸然泪下。他吩咐追随者把他抬走。
即便是苏巴玛宽敞的房子现在也显得不足以应付剧增的信徒人数。于是,苏巴玛提供位于哥巴拉斯瓦米神庙(Gopalaswamy temple)附近的一块地来盖一座棚式建筑物。盖好了之后,斯瓦米于1945年12月14日的Vaikuntha Ekadashi节庆(译注:Vaikuntha,无欲天,毗湿奴的住所;Ekadashi,十一日)迁入。在这之前三周,苏巴玛溘然长逝。在弥留之时,斯瓦米把恒河之水倒入她口中以完成祂的承诺。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 3
The Vision of Shirdi
One day Krishnamachari, the lawyer from Penukonda, arrived and accused Pedda Venkappa Raju of being a cheat and misleading simple village folk with tall stories about Sathya’s divine powers. A furious Pedda Venkappa Raju and Subbamma took him and his friends to Sathya and told him how he had been insulted and all because of Sathya, who promised to provide the proof that they were looking for. He first took Subbamma to an inner room and gave her a vision of Shirdi Samadhi with flowers and agarbatti fragrance and an attendant sitting at one corner, chanting to himself. Subbamma was thrilled. After she came out, Bala Sai took Krishnamachari and his friends one by one and showed them the same scene and pointed out various landmarks. The last to be taken in was Pedda Venkappa Raju. He came out a changed man. His doubts had vanished. Krishnamachari and his friends from Penukonda apologized profusely for their slighting remarks. Subbamma told them to go straight to Shirdi and see for themselves the veracity of the vision they had just seen. Pedda Venkappa Raju instructed his family to consider Sathya as divine and not bother him any more with pettiness, neglect or temper. He realized that Kondama Raju, his father, had been right all along.
Bala Sai Advises the Aged Ascetic
In 1941, an aged ascetic known as Digambara Swami, who had lost the use of both his legs and had discarded all clothes, was brought to Bukkapatnam. He had also taken a vow of silence. His admirers were eager to watch the reaction of Sathya when pitted against this veteran of many penances. Many thought Sathya would run away. The reverse happened. When Digambara Swami was carried and deposited in front of Subbamma’s house, Sathya came out and threw a big towel on the recluse’s lap and instructed that he be covered properly. Then he sweetly told the ascetic that if he had cut off all relations with society as his nakedness seemed to indicate then he should live in a forest or a cave, away from human society. Why was he afraid? On the other hand if he craved name, fame, food and disciples then he should not go about naked. Sathya patted the ascetic on the back and said that he knew the ascetic’s problem. He was worried that he may not get food or shelter in the forest. Sathya assured him that he would provide him with food regardless of where he was. He could even meditate right where he was, if he was not upto living away from human habitation. He should not bother others to carry him naked from place to place. Tears started rolling down the cheeks of this aged recluse. He indicated his followers to take him away.
From this point, Sathya will be referred to as Swami.
Travels Begin
Swami now began His journeys to various places to convey His message of hope to people crying in anguish to God.
The Old Mandir
It was now clear that even Subbamma’s spacious house was too small for the ever increasing number of devotees. Subbamma offered a plot of land next to the Gopalaswamy temple on which a shed could be constructed. This was done and Swami moved into it on 14 Dec 1945 on Vaikuntha Ekadashi. Subbamma had passed away just three weeks before. In her last moments Swami poured Ganga water in her mouth as He had promised.
Robbers Reformed
Despite scoffers, the vast majority of the people of the region loved Swami and had full faith in Him. This is best illustrated by the following event. Dusk was setting in when Swami came out of the Old Mandir one day and walked briskly towards Chitravathi. People wondered where was Swami headed. He crossed the river and made straight for a boulder and went round it. There were 17 robbers seated there dividing the spoils among them. Swami created vibhuti and smeared it like tilak on the foreheads of all of them. He spoke to them and promised to find jobs for all of them. They trusted Swami implicitly and followed Him to Puttaparthi. Within a short time they were all rehabilitated just as Swami had promised. The gang leader Subbanna was appointed the watchman of the Old Mandir. He carried out his duties with devotion and pride. Swami explained to the devotees that Rama could easily destroy the wicked because the virtuous and wicked lived at different places. Krishna could do so conveniently because the good and the bad existed in different branches, though in the same family. Now they existed in the same body, therefore He had to destroy wickedness and not the wicked. Thus the accent in the present incarnation was transformation and not destruction. And that is what He did to the seventeen robbers. This was an early example of His task.
To be continued ….
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