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2015/02 第十位神化身(1)
摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
- 斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇
在安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh)的一个偏远的角落,有一个叫格拉巴里(Gollapalli)的非常景气的乡村。土地肥沃,农作物丰登。牛群健康成长,提供丰富的牛奶。简朴的村民对现状甚感满足。


诅咒果然应验了。土地变得贫瘠,牛群的健康欠佳,数量减少。村子的名字改为跋弥普拉(Valmikipura),后又改为布达峇地(Puttaparthi)。虽受到蛇的咀咒,拉纳卡拉拉祖(Ratnakara Raju)家族还是留下来。我们的故事始于这家族的一个成员,昆达玛拉祖(Kondama Raju)。他以温馨的本性和智慧而深得众人的敬重。(击中那只蛇的石头现正收藏在布达峇地的哥巴拉斯瓦米(Gopalaswamy)神庙里。)
文卡瓦杜达(Venkavadhoota)-- 神的使者
光阴荏苒,好多年过去了。昆达玛拉祖建议一个远亲,苏巴拉祖(Subba Raju)来卡尔纳淡纳哥巴里(Karnatanagepalli)定居。两家结为亲家,苏巴拉祖的女儿,纳玛吉利雅玛(Namagiriamma)与昆达玛拉祖的长子,伯达文卡巴拉祖(Pedda Venkappa Raju*)缔结良缘。想起导师的预言,昆达玛拉祖就为其媳妇取名依斯瓦罗姆玛(Easwaramma)。

* 注:斯瓦米父亲的名字,在不同的书籍里都有不同的拼音。大部分的书籍都拼为Pedda Venkama Raju。这是斯瓦米在讲道中说的。然而在地方口语上,大家都用Pedda Venkappa Raju。在这本书里,我们采用这流行的拼音Pedda Venkappa Raju。

一年后,第一个儿子出世,取名舍沙玛(Seshama)。接下来,两个女儿相继出世,取名文卡姆玛(Venkamma)和巴尔瓦塔姆玛(Parvathamma)。然后有四次的流产。一天,当依斯瓦罗姆玛在井边打水时,晴朗的天空突然发出一道闪光而一蓝光的球体向她滚来并进入她的身体。她惊喜过度而晕了过去。村长的妻子,卡尔纳姆苏巴姆玛(Karnam Subbamma)把她扶起并带她回家。多年后,斯瓦米告诉一组信徒说,那就是祂下凡的经过。那是一个“pravesh”(进入或降临)不是一个“prasav”(正常怀孕)。不久,依斯瓦罗姆玛确认自己怀了第八胎。为了安全起见,她的家婆安排了一系列的沙迪亚那罗延祭礼(Sathyanarayan puja)。昆达玛拉祖告诉家人,就如基士拿是第八个孩子一样,依斯瓦罗姆玛怀的孩子也是第八胎。昆达玛拉祖很肯定地认为主那罗延即将下凡。然后一件奇妙的事情发生了。在晚上,家中的乐器开始自动奏起乐曲。乐曲是那么的甜美和柔和,令人陶醉。当昆达玛拉祖与两个儿子前去查看时,他们看不到有人演奏而音乐也就停止了。经过了这样的几个晚上,他们都紧张得不能安寝。昆达玛拉祖想起住在布卡巴特南(Bukkapatnam)的一个受众人所尊重的占星家。于是他们特地去请教他,并告诉他,他们之所以感到焦虑的原因。他静坐一段时间,然后宣称依斯瓦罗姆玛将生下一个非凡的人。天神如Devatas,Kinnaras以及Gandharvas正演奏圣乐以取悦在子宫之内的婴儿。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
There was no one to know who I am till I created this world at my pleasure with one word, Om. Immediately mountains rose up, immediately rivers started running. Earth below and sky overhead, oceans, seas, lands and watersheds, sun, moon and desert sands sprang up from nowhere. To prove my existence came all forms. Beasts and birds flying, Human Beings…Mankind…Speaking…Hearing. And all powers were bestowed upon them under my orders. The first place was granted to Mankind and my knowledge was placed in his mind.
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba
In a remote corner of Andhra Pradesh was a prosperous village named Gollapalli. The land was fertile and crops grew well. Cows were healthy and gave copious milk. The simple village folk were contented, with their basic needs fulfilled.

One cowherd found that his best cow came back from grazing daily with empty udders. He resolved to find out who was stealing the milk. He followed the cow one day and found that it went to a putta (an anthill inhabited by a snake) and stood there while a snake came out of the putta and put its mouth on the cow’s udder and drank the milk. The enraged cowherd picked up a rock and threw it at the snake, which was mortally wounded. Before it died, it pronounced a curse that the place will become homes of snakes. Prosperity would decline and people would find it difficult to make a living.

And that is what happened. The land became infertile and cattle declined in health and number. The name of the village was changed to Valmikipura and then to Puttaparthi. Despite the snake’s curse the Ratnakara Raju family stayed on. Our story starts with one Kondama Raju of this family. He was widely respected for his sweet nature and wisdom. (The rock, which was thrown at the snake, is kept in the Gopalaswamy Temple in Puttaparthi.)
Venkavadhoota – The Divine Messenger
One day he had an unexpected visitor. It was none other than his Guru, Venkavadhoota, after whom he had named his two sons. Kondama Raju welcomed his visitor respectfully and after some exchange of pleasantries, he expressed his feeling that there appeared to be a purpose behind his Guru’s visit. Venkavadhoota admitted that there indeed was a purpose to his visit. He said, “Bhoodevi, mother earth weeps, so Narayan has to come. He will take birth in your family. He will love you. He will play on your lap. Be prepared.” With these words, Venkavadhoota departed, leaving behind a mystified Kondama Raju.

The Avatar Makes His Advent

Years passed. On Kondama Raju’s suggestion, a distant relative, Subba Raju came over and settled in Karnatanagepalli. A marriage was fixed between Subba Raju’s daughter Namagiriamma and Pedda Venkappa Raju*, Kondama Raju’s elder son. Mindful of his Guru’s prophecy, he named his daughter-in-law, Easwaramma.

* The name of Swami’s father, has been spelt in different ways in different books. A large number of books spell the name as Pedda Venkama Raju, because Swami said this in a discourse. It has, however, been ascertained that colloquially the locals have been addressing him and referring to him as Pedda Venkappa Raju. In this book this popular spelling of Pedda Venkappa Raju has been adopted.

A year later a son was born and was named Seshama. Two daughters followed, named Venkamma and Parvathamma. Then followed four miscarriages. One day when Easwaramma was drawing water at the well, there was a flash of lightning in a clear sky and a big ball of blue light came rolling towards her and entered her body. She had a great feeling of joy and fainted. Karnam Subbamma, wife of the village chief, helped her get up and go home. Years later Swami told a group of devotees that this was the way he made His advent. It was a “pravesh” and not a “prasav”. Soon Easwaramma realized that she was pregnant for the eighth time. To be on the safe side, her mother-in-law planned a series of Sathyanarayan puja. Kondama Raju drew the attention of his family that just as Krishna was the eighth child, the baby that Easwaramma was carrying, would be the result of her eighth pregnancy. He was certain that Lord Narayan was about to make His advent. Then a curious thing happened. At night the musical instruments in the house started playing by themselves. The music was sweet and soothing. When Kondama Raju and his two sons went to investigate, they couldn’t see anyone and the music stopped. After a few such nights, they were too tensed to sleep. Kondama Raju remembered an astrologer in Bukkapatnam, who was highly respected. They went to consult him and told him the reason for their anxiety. He meditated for some time and then announced that a great being was about to be born to Easwaramma. Celestial beings like Devatas, Kinnaras and Gandharvas were playing divine music to charm the baby in the womb.
A Most Unusual Baby
When the baby was about to be born, Lakshmamma, Kondama Raju’s wife, was attending Satyanarayan Puja. As soon as the puja finished she took prasad and went home and gave it to Easwaramma. Almost immediately thereafter the baby was born. Lakshmamma went to give the good news to Kondama Raju, who expressed surprise, because he hadn’t heard the cry of the baby. After birth, the baby was absolutely still and quiet so all the women present were not sure whether the baby was alive. Easwaramma pinched him to make him cry. The baby opened his eyes and gave a most enchanting smile. The women were all captivated. Kondama Raju and his wife were certain that Lord Narayan had indeed taken birth and Kondama Raju named the baby Sathyanarayana. It was 23-11-1926.
To be continued….
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