人啊! 你夸耀自己博览群书,满腹经纶, 而以获得暂时性的知识为荣。 若缺乏谦卑,你不能, 双手合十地降服于神, 而凡此种种,其意义又何在?
“一如梵喜去时所发生的一样。” “你怎么应付?” “师父受到辱骂时,我能保持缄默吗?我挥手痛击他们并威胁要把他们抛下河里!”
O man! You boast about books read and scriptures mastered, And proud you are of ephemeral knowledge acquired. What is the meaning of all this, When lacking humility unable you are, To submit to the Divine with folded hands?
“Whatever happened when Brahmananda went happened again.” “How did you respond?” “Will I remain silent if my Guru is vilified? I thrashed the offenders and even threatened to throw them into the river!”