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上个星期日,我们详细地讨论了‘献身’(Dedication)的各个层面。我们发掘了这主题所有的新领域 -- 如意思,暗示,意义,所需,理由,及最后,一个人必须献身给谁。今天早上,让我们尝试去探讨第二个‘D' -- Discipline(纪律,规律)。薄伽梵非常强调‘纪律’。薄伽梵说,“自然是最好的老师而生活是最佳的传道者。”自然如何教导?生活如何传道?自然有着一种绝对的秩序。日出日落,四季轮替,花开季节,雨水季节等等在在都说明自然的规律(discipline)。这就是自然给我们的‘纪律’训示。
薄伽梵常说,飞禽与走兽也有纪律。祂说,“动物之于爱有着一个理由和季节,而人则没有。”从最基点的一个原子层次直至整个大自然所作的严密观察,我们不难发现严格的规律。这可分为几个阶段 -- 矿物,植物,动物,人类等等。在灵性领域,规律亦在所必需。因此薄伽梵很贴切地说,“有纪律者才是一个信徒。”这意味着在灵性领域,纪律必须加以遵守。有规律始有虔诚。换句话说,虔诚的成果不能在缺乏规律下实现。
我也想起另一个体验。在六十五大寿庆典时,薄伽梵执行集体婚礼。当时安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh)的首席部长,斯里维贾耶巴斯卡拉雷迪(Sri K.Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy)是座上主要贵宾。他的造访延误了大约三个钟头。薄伽梵没吃早餐,只喝了一杯水。信不信由你,祂滴水不沾地等到下午一点半首席部长的莅临。我斗胆轻声问道,“斯瓦米,这里有一根您分发给每一个人之后剩下的香蕉。现在已是下午一点半,您尚未进食。我们都吃过早餐了。请接受这一根香蕉吧。”薄伽梵说,“不!你吃。我是不必吃的。当你们大家吃时,食物就来到我这儿。你可记得进食前的祷告,你说,所有食物,以消化和提供精华给大家的火神君(vaiswanara)所采取的形式,回归于神。还有一件事,就是,在贵宾莅临前,你不应该开始用餐。”稍后,薄伽梵到食堂去监督午餐的安排,是为那班新婚者而作的准备,直至下午两点!这就是祂以身作则,以自己遵守纪律来教导我们的好榜样。
你会乐于听到发生于六十大寿庆典的另一个事件。薄伽梵赠送美丽的腕表给我们大家,学生们和教职员们。我感到莫大的喜悦而很想向祂表达感激之情。总之,我要引起祂的注意。我背光地坐在走廊上并不断地摆动我的手腕。腕表闪闪发光。薄伽梵缓慢地步向我并说,“你在干嘛?你为什么笑?”我很高兴,终于引起了祂的注意。我说,“我们都很高兴;我们感谢您赠送我们美丽的腕表。斯瓦米!我有一点小疑问。您送出去成千上万只手表,为什么您自己连一只手表都没有?”然后薄伽梵说,“那是神性!”我说,“斯瓦米!如果您说那是神性,我就什么都不了解了。请详加解释。”薄伽梵说,“你看!你有那么多的渴望和雄心。我必须加以实现它们。你有那么多的欲望。我应该把它们赐予你。但我没有欲望。我不像你一样有任何渴望。我所要的是,你应该得到快乐与安好。唯一没有欲望的就是神!”要减少欲望和达到无欲境界,你就应该过一个有纪律的生活。薄伽梵坚持,学生应该秩序井然地排列参加达瞻(darshan)。对这重要的生活层面 -- 纪律,祂从不放松与妥协。
薄伽梵说,“瞧!正常的体温是多少?98.4华氏度是正常和完美的。若高于此则有感冒的倾向。一般的血压是多少?它是120/80。或多或少于此,都有心脏的问题。我们眼球的网膜可以观看光的强度至某个极限。太高,网膜就受到破坏。耳膜亦然,它只能听一定的声音强度。过之,耳膜可能破裂。我们身体的各个器官就在某种极限或规律之下如此这般地操作。因此我们常说,‘Nasreyo niyamam vinah'。举个例子,我们的舌头,它吐出苦涩之食物而只接受美味的食物。虽被尖锐的牙齿所环绕,舌头却维持完美的规律,不被牙齿所咬伤,居于口内却能独善其身。学生们应该遵守纪律以便日后过一个理想的生活。你可知道蛇瓜吧。我们绑一粒小石子于其尾端,以便它长得笔直。同理,纪律应该在孩提时就培育和加强。
在另一个场合,当论及人的肉身时,祂说每一个肢体或器官的操作都严格地遵守一定的规律。眼睛只能看而不能听。同样,耳朵只能听而不能看。同样的道理可以应用于我们身体的各个部份。因此,在梵文里,它们被称为‘matras'(测量仪)。那么怎么去遵守纪律?“非善勿视;只视善。非善勿听;只听善。非善勿行;只行善。非善勿思;只思善。”这就是纪律。这就是训练和规律我们的肉身和我们的生活方式。虔诚(Devotion)有两个侍卫 -- 纪律(Discipline)和职责(Duty)。‘虔诚’不安全也不稳定。耶稣从不屈从撒旦的伎倆。为何及如何?答案很简单。只因为祂的生活有纪律。主罗摩不出席维毗沙那(Vibhishana)的登基典礼,即使他的一切也都是罗摩所赐的。罗摩遵守纪律,在被放逐时,祂远离尘嚣。以纪律见称的罗摩,在执行祭拜礼仪时,总是把悉多(Sita)的金像放在身边,因为她是被祂所放逐的。所有的神化身其实都是纪律的化身。要以身作则并成为当代的一个理想典范。所以,社会的,伦理的,政治的以及灵性的价值都根基于纪律。
Sai Ram.
With pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Lord Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Last Sunday we discussed at length, various aspects of ‘Dedication’. We explored all frontiers of the subject – like the meaning, implications, significance, the need for it, the reason, and finally, to whom one has to dedicate. This morning let us try to understand the second ‘D’ – Discipline. Bhagavan lays much emphasis on ‘discipline’. Bhagavan says, “Nature is the best teacher and Life is the best preacher”. How does the nature teach? How does life preach? There is an absolute order in nature. The sunrise, the sunset, seasons changing in exact precision, blossoming of flowers, rains etc., speak of the discipline in nature. This is the lesson of discipline that the nature teaches all of us.
Bhagavan tells very often that birds and beasts also have discipline. He remarks that, “Animals have a reason and season for love, but not man.” On close observation of the entire nature down to the level of an atom, we find strict discipline. This is followed in various stages – mineral matter, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, human physiology and so on. Discipline is also needed in the spiritual field. Therefore, very aptly Bhagavan says, “The one with discipline is a devotee”. It means in a spiritual field discipline has to be observed. Where there is discipline there is devotion. In other words, fruits of devotion cannot be realized without discipline.
Every act, gesture and word of Bhagavan is specific and has a message to convey. This morning, I saw Bhagavan calling a group for an interview. All had scarves revealing their identity, excepting one who was asked to go back. This is how He makes everyone follow discipline. During Bhajan time this morning while Bhagavan was passing along the lines of devotees, he suddenly stopped and looked at one of them and said, “Why do you keep your scarf in your pocket? You must wear your scarf. You must follow discipline. It is very important.”
I also recall another experience. During the 65th Birthday celebrations, Bhagavan performed mass marriages. The then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri K. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy was the chief guest. His visit was delayed by about three hours. Bhagavan does not take any breakfast except for a glass of water. Believe me or not He did not have even a sip of water and waited till 1.30p.m., until the chief guest arrived. I picked up a little courage and said softly, “Swami, here there are some bananas left that You distributed to everyone. It is now 1.30 in the afternoon, you did not eat anything. We all had our breakfast. Please accept one banana.” Bhagavan said, “No! You eat. There is no need for me to eat. When all of you eat it comes to Me. Don’t you remember the prayer before partaking food, when you say that all the food goes to God in the form of vaiswanara, who digests and supplies the essence to all! One more thing, one should not eat till the guest arrives.” Later Bhagavan went to the canteen and supervised the lunch arrangements made for the newly weds till 2.00p.m.! This the discipline He imposes upon Himself to teach us.
I cannot forget another incident that happened last Summer. We were returning from Kodaikanal to Bangalore. Bhagavan left even before we started. Unfortunately we could not reach Coimbatore in time as our bus broke down due to some problem. We were late by two hours. Bhagavan reached Coimbatore around 11.00 a.m. and was waiting till we came. He sent a few seva dal members to effect the needed repairs for the bus. I can give you any number of similar instances from which we can learn the art of discipline from the Divine master Himself.
You will be happy to hear another incident that happened during the 60th Birthday celebrations. Bhagavan presented beautiful wrist watches to all of us, students and staff. I was overwhelmingly happy and very much wanted to thank Him and express my gratitude. Somehow I wanted to draw His attention. I sat in the verandah against sunlight and kept moving my wrist. It was glittering. Bhagavan slowly walked towards me and said, “What are you doing? Why are you smiling?” I was happy that I was successful in drawing His attention. I said, “We are very happy; and we thank you for the beautiful wrist watches. Swami! I have one little doubt. You presented thousands of watches. How is it that you do not have even one?” Then Bhagavan said, “That is Divinity!” I said, “Swami! If you say that is Divinity, I don’t understand anything. Please explain.” Bhagavan said, “You see! You have so many aspirations and ambitions. I must fulfil them. You have so many desires. I should grant them. But I have no desires. I do not have any aspirations like you. All that I want is that you should be happy and good. The one and the only one who is desireless is God!” To reduce desires and to reach the state of desirelessness one should lead a disciplined life. Bhagavan insists that students should come for darshans in lines. He does not compromise on this important aspect of life – discipline.
Bhagavan said, “See! What is the temperature of the body? 98.4 degrees is perfectly normal temperature. Any increase in temperature amounts to fever. What is the usual blood pressure? It is 120/80. If it is more or less, it leads to heart trouble. The retina of our eyeball can watch the light intensity up to a certain extent. If it is very high the retina burns. Same with our ear drum too. It can bear sound to some limit. Beyond that the ear drum breaks. This is the way how every part of our body functions under certain limits or discipline. Therefore, it is said, ‘Nasreyo niyamam vinah’. Take for instance our tongue. It spits anything that is bitter and accepts only that which is palatable. Surrounded by sharp teeth all around, the tongue maintains perfect discipline without being cut by the teeth, remaining within, but withdrawn. Students should be disciplined so as to lead an ideal life later. You know the snake-gourd. We tie a small stone at the end of a snake-gourd, so that it would grow straight. So also, discipline should be insisted and enforced from childhood.
“This world is God’s creation. The five elements of nature are Divine. Any misuse amounts to sacrilege and sin. You should know food is God. You should not waste food. Wealth is God; Waste of money is evil. Time is God; You should not waste time. Time – waste is life – waste. Haste makes waste; Waste makes worry; So, do not be in a hurry. Energy is God; Never waste your energy.” This is how Bhagavan explains the need for discipline and the significance of discipline. You must have noticed that Bhagavan never wastes time, nor allows anyone to waste time. When anyone seeks rest, Bhagavan tells him that, “Change of work is rest. Don’t sit idle.” You must have observed Bhagavan switching off the fan and lights of the interview room Himself after the few called for the interview leave the room. Bhagavan spends huge amounts on welfare programmes, but does not spare anyone even if small or negligible amounts are misused or wasted. He insists on simple living and high thinking. He tells students to close the taps after use. Discipline is the other name of Bhagavan and Bhagavan is the other name of discipline. Here we understand clearly what it means when He said, “My life is my message”. Whatever He does, He tells others to do, and vice versa.
On another occasion, while referring to the human body, He said that every limb or organ functions in strict adherence to discipline. Eye can only see and cannot hear. So also the ear can only hear; it cannot see. This applies to all the parts of our body. Therefore, they are called in Sanskrit ‘matras’. How to observe discipline then? “See no evil; See what is good. Hear no evil; Hear what is good. Do no evil; Do what is good. Think no evil; Think what is good”. This is discipline. This is the way to discipline our body and our way of life. Devotion has two bodyguards – Discipline and Duty. ‘Devotion’ is never safe and secure. Jesus never succumbed to the ways of Satan. Why and How? The answer is simple. It is only because of His disciplined life. Lord Rama did not attend the coronation ceremony of Vibhishana, who owes everything to Him. He followed discipline, keeping away from cities during the period of exile. Rama, known for His discipline kept the gold idol of Sita by His side while performing rituals, as she was exiled by Him. All incarnations are the very embodiments of discipline. Set an example and ideal to the contemporary world. Therefore, social, ethical, political and spiritual values are based on discipline.
May Bhagavan Baba bless you with the will and perseverance to practise discipline in life.
Sai Ram.
Universal & Practical Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Chapter 9
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