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2013/09 完成比赛


今天,我们将要讨论的是最后一个‘F’-- Finish The Game(完成比赛)。我们只有借赛的协助才能够了解赛的论述。要看太阳,只有阳光才能帮助。要看月亮,只有月光才能帮助。要了解赛的论述,只有赛才能给予帮助。我之所以总是提供有关的逸事,实物的说明,实际的例子和亲身的体验来支持每一个论述,这就是唯一的原因。凡此种种都不是取自其他经典而只是来自赛文献。因为只有赛论述才会协助我们了解祂,体验祂并且抵达目标。这就是我为什么选择这教导方式的原因。

完成比赛!何谓‘完成’,何谓‘比赛’。若不‘完成’,会有什么结果?为何我们称之为一场比赛?我们必须小心翼翼地和审慎严谨地加以分析和探讨。此论述与‘生命是场比赛,游戏之’(Life is a game, play it)息息相关。薄伽梵很久以前曾说过,‘生命是场比赛,游戏之’。后来祂又说,‘完成比赛’。这两种论述互为关系。一场比赛(game)与一场游戏(play)之间有何不同?为何薄伽梵不说,‘生命是场游戏,游戏之’?为何祂采用多余的一个字‘比赛’(game)?难道要教我们英文?不!薄伽梵不是个英文老师。这两个字可有同样的意思?当然不是!比赛(game)与游戏(play)是完全不同的。







我应该也给你们举另一个取自薄伽梵的讲道的例子。在《沙迪亚赛说》(Sathya Sai Speaks)第一册里,薄伽梵说,“主基士拿在战场上歌唱”。那可是歌唱的地方?此天国之歌,《梵歌》(Bhagavad Gita)是在战场上被唱出的。祂可以在其它地方唱,但祂选择战场。基士拿也在耶牟那河(Yamuna)的岸边,在月光下对着牧女们高歌。祂不受制于周遭环境。之所以不受影响是因为就祂而言,一切都是游戏。在这方面,人类则不然。当战争爆发时,我们的血压就开始飙升。考试时,老师一样也紧张起来。当学生成绩有欠理想时,薄伽梵有时也指责我们。祂责怪我们没有好好地教导他们。当医生要我们做体检时,前一晚我们的血压就在恐惧中升高。但薄伽梵一点都不紧张。祂处于完美的平静状态。



好久以前,有人因薄伽梵不跟他们交谈而感到不舒服,所以他们决定绝食 -- sathyagraha。然后有人跑去告诉薄伽梵说,“斯瓦米,如果你不跟他们说话,他们会绝食至死的。”薄伽梵回答,“很好,如果他们死了,我会给他们新的肉身。那么他们看起来就更加英俊潇洒了。”所以,不管你绝食至死或饱食至死,薄伽梵都不受影响,因为这完全是祂的游戏。



在哥戴卡纳尔(Kodaikanal),薄伽梵通常就不同的主题给予讲演。我问薄伽梵,“俱卢雪特罗(Kurukshetra)战役中,年轻者因年老者的愚昧而战死沙场。那可是理所当然的?一个年青人如阿比曼由(Abhimanyu 意译:激昂)战死。他是一个朝气蓬勃的英雄,年长者尚能存活,他却突然被杀害。原因何在?薄伽梵回答,“年青或年老不是死亡的因素。瞧,这医生建一所房子于此。为了入伙的礼节,它需要一套新的服装。时间仓促,他不能及时购买布料来缝制。距离搬入的日期只剩下两天的时间。一天,在衣橱里寻找东西时,意外发现一些毛料布匹。他赶快拿到裁缝店去缝制一套新服装以备入伙时穿。裁缝师如期完成。在庆典时,祭司要医生坐在地上。他一坐下,裤子就破裂了。他感到十分尴尬。庆典过后,他去找裁缝师算账并严厉地责骂他。裁缝师说,虽然他最近才缝制,但是布料已很古旧。同理,年青人或有年青或新的肉体,但他们的灵魂却是古旧的。”


不久前,薄伽梵刚刚在学院礼堂讲道。我通常尽可能广传赛所恩赐的信息。一次,在平达弯,我告诉薄伽梵我对ABC的解释。我对祂说,斯瓦米,ABC的意思是“Anil Kumar Broadcasting Corporation”(阿尼尔古玛广播公司)。真的,没有人能阻止我。薄伽梵在礼堂内说,“我的孩子,你应该笑脸常开而绝不拉长着脸。当你笑时,人人都跟着你一起笑;当你哭时,只你一人在哭。神爱看的是笑脸而非哭脸。”原因是,在游戏里,人人都展开笑容,而在比赛中,人人都那么严肃认真。旁观者变得比参赛者更加紧张。因此,‘完成比赛’意味着以一场游戏的心态去完成那么严肃的一场比赛。如果你使到这人生成为一场游戏,你自然就会享乐于其中,要不然,你就会被困陷于某处了。任何比赛都有条例和规则。所以,有如一场比赛的人生,人人都得参与。



以前,当局曾为学院教职员举办了一个‘音乐椅’的比赛。我应邀参加。我选择一个偏僻的角落,以免输了不会在众目睽睽之下献丑。当环绕而行时,我不慎跌倒在地上。我以为没人看到。那天傍晚薄伽梵在讲道时说,“你们一定看到阿尼尔古玛今天早上跌倒在地上。”我还以为没人看到我跌倒,但薄伽梵是队长而祂观察和注意我们所有的举止。祂观察我们的表现是好是坏,因为祂是我们人生这场比赛的队长。所以,你必须遵从人生的ABC -- Always Be Careful(总得谨慎)。纯净的心是神的庙宇。队长总是观察我们表现的好坏。

几天前,有一个人过来问我能否帮他为一出影片作录制工作。我也为影片的主题命名。录制工作在我的住所进行,没有人知道这回事。影片的标题是‘Sathya Sai Gitanjali’,原因是里面收集了很多圣歌。Gita的意思是歌而Anjali的意思是顶礼。这是一个顶礼,一个供奉。当这影片在薄伽梵面前放映的时候,祂看着我说,“你可是导演?”我犹豫而祂接着说,“是的,那是你的声音。你给主题命名为Sathya Sai Gitanjali,对吗?我知道是晚上九点在你家录制的。”我认识到人生是场比赛。队长总在观察,所以‘总得谨慎’(Always Be Careful)。有些时候,我们筹划一个策略并告诉学生,“如果你们照做,斯瓦米会前来。”尽管有那策略,祂还是会径直走向我并说,“为什么你叫孩子们去执行所有那些策略?”祂无所不知。祂肯定看穿你。
ABC还有第二个简写,即,‘Avoid Bad Company’(避开损友)。决不结交损友,因为坏人不仅损己,而且非损人决不罢休。薄伽梵说,“要常与益友为伍而远离损友。”要常想何者为短暂,乍停即逝,而何者为永恒,永远持续。肉身会死亡,腐朽而心灵则永生,不朽。要常从这方面去思考。你每一天都应该行善。那么,队长就提供你线索去参加人生的比赛。在《梵歌》中,主基士拿说,“作战时,心想着我。”运用辨识力去明辨是非善恶。要确认何者是真,何者是假。这些都是线索。人生是场比赛,游戏之。



Finish the Game
My humble salutations at the lotus feet of our Bhagavan.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today, we will deal with the last ‘F’ – Finish The Game. We can understand the statements of Sai, only with the help of Sai. To see the sun, sunlight alone can help. To see the moon, moonlight alone can help. To understand Sai’s statements, Sai alone can help. This is the only reason why I always give anecdotes, illustrations, examples and experiences in support of each statement. These are not from other sacred texts, but only from Sai literature. It is because only Sai statements will help us to understand Him, experience Him and also reach the goal. This is the reason I choose this mode of teaching.

Finish the game! What do we mean by ‘Finish’ and what do we mean by ‘Game’. What will happen if we do not ‘Finish’? We need to analyse and study carefully and critically. This statement has an association with the statement, ‘Life is a game, play it’. Bhagavan said long ago, ‘Life is a game, play it’. Then later He said, ‘Finish the game’. These two statements are interrelated. What is the difference between a game and a play? Why not Bhagavan say, ‘Life is a play, play it’? Why should He use the extra word ‘game’? Is it to teach us English? No! Bhagavan is not an English teacher. Do the two words have the same meaning? Certainly not! Game and play are totally different.

Children play, whereas, adults participate in a game. The entire creation is God’s play. In a game, you either win or lose, but in a play there is no such thing as winning or losing. For example, on the seashore, children build sand castles and then kick them playfully. This gives them lot of joy. So, play has no rules or results like winning or losing. It is just for fun and frolic. But a game is within the rules and there is winning or losing involved. ‘Life is a game, play it’. Yes! We lose or win but yet, we should play it so that we rise above it. We should play it so that, we will not be frustrated when we lose, nor become proud if we win. Therefore, play the game. Though life is a game with all its seriousness and rules, when we play the game of life, we will be able to rise above defeat or victory, or above the spirit of duality. So, play is non-dual, whereas, game is dual. Play is divine, whereas, game is human. Play is fun and frolic, whereas a game is serious and commercial. In play, you do not need to pay any money, whereas in a game we have to pay. In a game there is tension, because you are either going to gain or lose money, whereas play is just fun. Life is a game full of dualism, bumps and jumps, profit and loss, praise and blame, victory and loss. Therefore, life is a game. Yes! It keeps us in tension and makes us run about all the time, because life is full of seriousness. Yes! Life is a game which should be played. Play the game; make it fun-filled. Fill it with smiles, so that you will not be serious. Friends, I think I have made my point clear. Though life is a game, and so serious, once you play it, it becomes full of wit and humour.

Let me give you a few examples. In life you have birth and death. This is dualism. We celebrate when there is birth, and death leads to mourning. We are grief-stricken. When we are praised we are happy, but when we are criticized, we wait for a chance to repay with compound interest and avenge ourselves. Bhagavan once said, “There are people who criticize Me, and there are others who praise Me. Both are as high as two mountains, but I am at the centre, blessing both, because I am beyond. This is all My play.” Both have been designed as His Leela (Divine play). Therefore, Bhagavan is not at all carried away by praises. I shall give you my own experience.

During the Dasara celebrations, I was asked to give talks for three days. On the last day, I composed some poems in praise of Bhagavan. These are a delight to me. After I recited them, Bhagavan said, “Stop! Enough!” I was so surprised because, I thought, what was wrong in praising Him? Later, at the end of the discourse He told me, “You should talk about everything else. You should talk about general and spiritual things also. Why should you praise Me like this? Is your stuff exhausted?” This only means that Bhagavan will not be pleased if one showers lavish praises, nor will He be unhappy if we criticize Him.

There are some who complain, “Oh! God, my son failed although I am your devotee.” As though only devotee’s son should pass the examination. It is not a precondition for your devotion. Bhagavan is not depressed or frustrated by criticism nor is He elated by our praises, because all this is His play. Bhagavan is the best player. If a trophy or shield is to be given to anyone, it is Bhagavan alone who would win. He does not want us teachers to praise the students in others’ presence. If I say to Bhagavan, “Swami! The boys are very good”, He will reply, “Good, not very good, but…” This will make them forget the real purpose of life, because there is always room for improvement.

Once, an elderly man was asked to speak. He said, “Bhagavan we are very perturbed to see the college boys running for darshan in a very disorderly manner; whereas, we devotees come in a straight line silently. They even run up the staircases and may fall. This is an act of indiscipline.” Then it was Bhagavan’s turn. He said, “You just heard this gentleman say that our boys run about in an indisciplined manner, but where in this world do you find boys of the age eighteen, nineteen or twenty run after God? Boys of that age usually run after politicians or film stars. They run to the bars, theatres or hotels. But they run only after God.” So, Bhagavan does not want too much of criticism or praise. One should rise above these two, praise and blame, because play then comes down to the level of a game.

I should also give you another example from Bhagavan’s discourses. In Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume One, Bhagavan said, ‘Lord Krishna sang in the battlefield’. Now, is that a place to sing? This celestial song, The Bhagavad Gita was sung in the battlefield. He could have sung it elsewhere, but He chose the battlefield. Krishna also sang on the banks of the Yamuna river in the moonlight to the Gopis. He is not affected by the surroundings. God is not affected because for Him, it is all a play. We human beings are different in that respect. When there is a war, our blood pressure starts rising. During examinations, the teachers too suffer from anxiety. Some times Bhagavan scolds us too, when the students do not get good marks. He blames us for not teaching them properly. When a doctor calls us for a checkup, the night before itself we start developing blood pressure in fear. But Bhagavan has no tension. He is perfectly calm and unruffled.

When ten lakh people attended the Birthday Celebrations, many VIPs and guests of honour and Ministers arrived, our Lord merely waved His hand and began to joke with the children sitting in the front. He asked them, “What did you eat this morning for breakfast?” This only means that He is unruffled and it is all God’s play.

I want to impress upon you, why we should use the word ‘play’ with special reference to God. A few days back, Bhagavan while giving darshan, walked towards a seventy year old man. That man said, “Swami, I am suffering from pain in the joints.” Bhagavan said, “O! I see! Hammer it.”

Long back some people felt bad that Bhagavan was not talking to them, so they decided to fast – sathyagraha. Then somebody quickly ran up to Bhagavan and said, “Swami, they will fast until death if you do not talk to them.” Bhagavan replied, “Very Good, if they die, I will give them a new body. Then they will look more handsome.” So, Bhagavan is not affected whether you fast until death or eat until death, because it is all His play.

Another old gentleman told Bhagavan, “I want to read the Ramayana, the Gita, etc., but my memory fails me. In my old age I cannot remember things. Kindly suggest some spiritual path to improve my memory.” Bhagavan replied, “Well, you cannot do any service because of physical problems. Now you want to read books and improve your memory. You complain of loss of memory. You are totally wrong! When were you born?” The man gave the correct date. Then Bhagavan asked, “What is the date of your wife’s birthday?” The man gave the date promptly. Then Bhagavan asked the birth dates of all his children and the man gave the correct dates. Then Bhagavan said, “You say that you have lost your memory. But how do you remember all these things? So you remember all the things you want to, but forget the spiritual things you do not want to.” We conveniently remember those things, which are important, and forget spiritual things, because that is for the next life. One easily remembers the date when the fixed deposit in the bank would mature. One knows the interest rates that the other banks offer. Therefore, from Bhagavan’s point of view, there is nothing like memory or loss of memory, old age or youth, because in God’s play all are young.

A ninety year old man was sitting in the darshan line. He was quite hefty. Bhagavan pointed to a very large water pipe and said, “I think a pant of that size should be stitched for you.” I was listening to this, and my face had an inquisitive expression. He looked at me and said, “All are boys to me. All are my children, whether they are twenty, seventy or eighty. That is the difference you have. Whereas, to Me, all are young and all are children.” So, in God’s play there is no barrier of age.

In Kodaikanal Bhagavan usually gives talk on varied subjects. I asked Bhagavan, “In Kurukshetra war, youngsters died, because of adults’ folly. Is that justifiable? A young man like Abhimanyu died. He was a dashing young hero, and was killed all of a sudden, while the old people lived long. Why?” Bhagavan replied, “Young or old is not the factor for death. See, this doctor has constructed a house here. For the opening function he needed a new suit. Since the time was short, he could not go out and buy new cloth and have it stitched in time. There were only two days left for the occasion. One day while searching for something in his cupboard, he found some woollen cloth there. He quickly took it to the tailor and requested him to complete the stitching of the suit for the function. The tailor completed it in time. For the ceremonial part of the function, the priest asked the doctor to sit on the floor. He did so, but as he sat, the pant tore. He was thoroughly embarrassed. After the function he went straight to the tailor and abused him severely. The tailor said though he had stitched it only recently, the cloth was very old. Similarly, youngsters may have young or new bodies, but their souls are old.”

Therefore our interpretation and understanding regarding death, that old people should die first and young people should live long is totally wrong. He may be old, but his spirit is not old. We know the date of our birth, but not the date of our death. Only God knows it. God’s play is above birth and death, profit and loss, praise and blame, victory and defeat, success and failure. That is all God’s play. Life is a game, play it. Our life is so serious, but let us play it with all the fun and frolic.

Just a few moments ago, Bhagavan gave a talk in the college auditorium. I usually give all the messages of Sai, the widest publicity possible. Once in Brindavan, I told Bhagavan my interpretation of A B C. I said to Him, Swami, A B C means ‘Anil Kumar Broadcasting Corporation’. Truly no one can prevent me. Bhagavan said in the auditorium, “My boys, you should always be smiling and never put castor-oil faces. When you smile everybody will smile with you. When you cry, you cry all alone. You cry in loneliness and solitude, whereas, when you smile, all smile with you. God loves to look at the smiling faces and not the crying faces.” The reason is that in a play, one smiles, but in a game everyone is serious. The spectators become more tense than the players. Therefore, ‘Finish the game’ means, finish the game which is so serious by taking it as a play. If you make this life a play, naturally you will enjoy it, or else you will be stuck in some place or the other. In any game there are rules and regulations. To play the game one needs to learn the rules and regulations. So, life which is a game has to be played.

There are two types of rules; one, individual rules and the other, collective rules. For instance in a game there are ten players: ten from India and ten from South Africa. All have to play well. It is not enough if only one member of the team plays well, the entire team should play well. The individual rules are called ‘Yama’ and the collective rules are called ‘Niyama’. These are the two rules of the game. So, individually and collectively we should observe the rules. If you do not observe the rules, you cannot play the game of life. They will not allow you to play. Where will you be if you are in life and do not play?

Long back, Darwin said, “Survival of the fittest, and the weak will perish.” Therefore, if you do not play the game you will be unfit and a misfit, and you will have to withdraw. You are bound to play, because life is a game. If you have to play, you must follow the individual rules, ‘Yama’ and ‘Niyama’, the collective rules. In every game there is a captain. The captain will tell you where to stand, the vantage points, locations etc. Similarly, the captain of our life is Bhagavan Baba. Bhagavan is the captain of this life which is a game. The captain will tell what to do and how to play. We should follow the captain. What are the instructions of the captain? Bhagavan has given a number of illustrations from the games of football and cricket, because all this is a part of His creation. There is nothing that can be hidden from His knowledge.

Some time back, there was a ‘musical chairs’ competition for teachers in the college. I was requested to join. I chose a small corner so that I would not be noticed if I lose. As I was going round I fell on the ground. I thought that I was not noticed. That very evening Bhagavan said in His Divine Discourse, “You must have seen Anil Kumar this morning falling on the ground.” I thought that no one had seen, but Bhagavan is the captain and He watches all our actions. He observes how well we play, because He is the captain of our life, which is a game. So, you have to observe the A B C of life – Always Be Careful. The pure heart is the temple of God. The captain always watches how well we play.

Few days back, a person came up to me and asked me to do a recording for a film. I also gave the title of the film. This had taken place at my residence and nobody knew about it. The title I gave was, ‘Sathya Sai Gitanjali’, because there are many songs in it. Gita means song and Anjali means salutations. This is a salutation, an offering. When this film was screened in front of Bhagavan, He looked at me and said, “Are you the director?” I hesitated and He said, “Yes, that is your voice. You gave the title, Sathya Sai Gitanjali, correct? I knew it was recorded at your residence at 9.00 p.m.” I realised that life is a game. The captain is always watching, so ‘Always Be Careful’. Some times we plan a strategy and tell the students, “If you do accordingly Swami will come towards boys.” In spite of all that strategy, He will come straight up to me and say, “Why did you ask the boys to do all those tactics?” He knows everything and will certainly catch you.

Secondly the A B C stands for “Avoid Bad Company”. Never be in bad company, because the bad people not only spoil themselves, but will not rest till they spoil others too. Bhagavan says, “Always be in good company and run away from bad company.” Always think on what is temporary and what is permanent, what is ephemeral and eternal. The body is mortal but the spirit is immortal. Think always in this direction. Day in and day out you should be engaged in good actions. So, the captain gives us the clues to play the game of life. In the Gita, Lord Krishna says, “Fight the battle thinking of Me.” Exercise discrimination and know what is good and what is bad. Know which is truth and which is illusory. These are the clues. Life is a game, play it.

Finish the game! You cannot run away in the middle. Those who run away will not be allowed to participate the next time. Finish the game means that you have to play this game of life until it comes to an end. When and how can we know that it is completed? In a game there is a time limit. For example, it is said that the game will end at 6.00 p.m. But how to know when the game of life is completed? When you realise that you are not the body, mind and intellect, you will know that the game of life is completed. When you know that the spirit or Atma, is the truth of truths, which is present in everyone and that the individual soul is the same as the Cosmic Self, then that marks the end of the game. Until then, we have to play. You will continue to play if you think you are the body, mind and intellect.

Finish the game by knowing your true identity, your Self, and not by observing any differences in caste, creed, sex and nationality. Finish the game by reaching the non-dual state and the state of bliss. May Bhagavan Baba, the captain of our life, help us to play the game of life most successfully so that we win the match and that He feels proud of His team. He should say, “Here are My boys who won the game. Here are My boys who followed My instructions. Here are My boys who are aware of what I want and the way I want them to act. Therefore they won the game.” The captain will feel proud of His team. May Bhagavan give us dynamism and commitment in a spirit of dedication so that we play our role well in this game of life. Life is a game, finish the game successfully!

Sai Ram.
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