对那些外在与斯瓦米有“距离”的人,他的训诫就不若那些“亲近”的人严格。人们以斯瓦米的“亲近” 信徒来判断斯瓦米,因此,那些“亲近”者必须遵行严格的行为准则。
It is grace; those who suffer have my grace. Only through suffering will they be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry. And without turning inward and making inquiry, they can never escape misery.
People suffer because they have all kinds of unreasonable desires and they pine to fulfill them and they fail. They attach too much value to the objective world. It is only when attachment increases that you suffer pain and grief.
Strike a green tamarind fruit with a stone and you cause harm to the pulp inside, but strike the ripe fruit and see what happens. It is the dry rind that falls off; nothing affects the pulp or the seed. The ripe sadhaka (aspirant) does not feel the blows of fate or fortune; It is the unripe man who is wounded by every blow.
Joy and grief are the obverse and reverse of the same experience. Joy is when grief ends; grief is when joy ends. When you invite a blind man for dinner, you must set on the table two plates, for he comes along with another man who will lead him in. Grief and joy are inseparable companions.
Being students, you know very well that the university has prescribed certain examinations at the end of every academic year. Do you ascribe this system to any desire for persecuting you? Do you think it is a sign of displeasure? You know that they are conducted so that you can be promoted, don’t you? The yogis, sadhaks, and aspirants are being tested by God only to promote them.
Some of you feel neglected by me when disappointment or trouble comes upon you. But such obstacles alone can toughen your character and make your faith firm. When you hang a picture on the wall, you shake the nail and find out whether it is firm enough to bear the weight of the picture. So, too, in order to prevent the picture of God (his image in your mind and heart) from falling and being shattered to bits, the nail (i.e., God’s name) driven into the wall of the heart has to be shaken to ascertain whether it is firm and steady.
Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.444
The sugarcane should welcome the cutting, the hacking and the crushing, the boiling and the straining to which it is subjected; without these ordeals, the cane would dry up and make no tongue sweet. So, too, man must welcome trouble, for that alone brings sweetness to the spirit within.
If a mother has two sons and one of them is sick, she will give the sick son only bitter medicine, while she may give the other son anything that he may ask for. If she gives bitter medicine to one son and sweets to the other, it is not because the mother likes one son more than the other. The mother realizes that it is for the good of the sick child to take bitter medicine, and so she gives him a bitter medicine, but not because she likes him less.
People, those outwardly “distant” from Swami, he tells, but not so severely as those “near”. People judge Swami by his “near” devotees and so those individuals must follow very strict standards of behavior.
God protects his devotees. His devotee is near and dear to God, and he carries the devotee safely through life.
You should not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed in any way by difficulties and sorrows, doubts and disappointments. You must have faith. Have confidence in yourself and strive to understand well the nature of God’s love. To secure that love is the sacred goal of human life.