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2012/09 承受痛苦:带有目的的痛苦
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承受痛苦对我们是有所裨益的。如果有机会偿还我们的罪行 -- 承受之 -- 我们就真的致力于灵性成长了。圣恩为我们开治疗的药方;痛苦是药的味道。


5. 亲近神


对那些外在与斯瓦米有“距离”的人,他的训诫就不若那些“亲近”的人严格。人们以斯瓦米的“亲近” 信徒来判断斯瓦米,因此,那些“亲近”者必须遵行严格的行为准则。







  1. 为什么我们会受苦?
  2. 是主考验我们抑或我们考验我们自己?
  3. 面临考验和负担时,我们如何避开受苦?
  4. 有必要避开受苦吗?
  5. 一旦皈依神,痛苦就终止了吗?
  6. 不受苦,有可能学到人生教训吗?
  7. 没有哀伤,能得到快乐吗?
  8. 我们能知道我们受苦的原因吗?
  9. 受苦可是内在心态的一种结果或外在事件的一种结果?
  10. 执著与受苦有关联吗?
Suffering: Pain with a Purpose
1. Our Cue to Move On
Pain is a sign that something is wrong. When we feel bodily pain, we know that we have been injured or we are sick. It is a warning to us to examine the cause and repair the damage. Mental or emotional suffering is also an indication of need. It prompts us to change our attitudes and ideas. Joy is our natural state. No one is surprised when a baby is happy, but when the baby cries we rush to find and eliminate the cause.

Suffering is a reminder to us to press on until we reach the goal of self-realization. When we fall short of our spiritual aims, suffering reminds us that we have not yet discovered our true nature of joy and wisdom. Suffering is a spur which starts us on the spiritual path and keeps us active in spiritual practice. It teaches us the lessons of loving wisdom and compassionate understanding. It impresses on us the need for strength and fortitude. Suffering is pain with a purpose; it alerts us to seek God-realization before our time expires.

It is grace; those who suffer have my grace. Only through suffering will they be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry. And without turning inward and making inquiry, they can never escape misery.

Conversations, p.110
2. The Causes of Suffering
In India, a simple method is used to catch monkeys. A banana is placed inside a large pot that has a narrow neck. A curious monkey will come to examine the pot. When he discovers the fruit inside, he reaches in to grasp it. Holding the banana, he can no longer remove his hand through the narrow neck of the pot. In his greed, the unfortunate monkey will not let go of the fruit, even though it results in his capture.

We are like that monkey when we are held captive by our wrong desires. We grasp for material treasure, but in the long run our craving gives us only suffering. Selfish desire prevents us from being satisfied with ourselves as we are. It keeps us from realizing our true divine nature. We hold tantalizing images before our eyes and then we suffer because we cannot attain them. Desire keeps our minds spinning. It allows us no opportunity to find peace.

People suffer because they have all kinds of unreasonable desires and they pine to fulfill them and they fail. They attach too much value to the objective world. It is only when attachment increases that you suffer pain and grief.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, pp.42-43
Suffering also results from our past misdeeds. Through many lives lived in ignorance of spiritual principles, we have built a store of karma. The consequences of those previous actions pursue us like an unpaid debt. Through carelessness or evil intent, we may have added to the suffering of others, and even in this life the results seek us out. After the last log is thrown on a fire, the fire continues to burn for some time. But when we gain detachment, we can be unaffected by the heat. Usually suffering does not originate in external events; it stems from our attachment to results. Two people who suffer a similar loss may be affected very differently.

Strike a green tamarind fruit with a stone and you cause harm to the pulp inside, but strike the ripe fruit and see what happens. It is the dry rind that falls off; nothing affects the pulp or the seed. The ripe sadhaka (aspirant) does not feel the blows of fate or fortune; It is the unripe man who is wounded by every blow.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.273
Joy and suffering are inseparable companions. Both are natural consequences of our attachment to objects of desire. When we get the things we want, we are happy. If we do not get them, we are sad. When we acquire inner peace, we are not buffeted by the ups and downs of the world. We then acquire spiritual peace that is not conditioned by desire for earthly prosperity. With time, we learn to accept joy and grief with equal-mindedness. Then we avoid unnecessary suffering.

Joy and grief are the obverse and reverse of the same experience. Joy is when grief ends; grief is when joy ends. When you invite a blind man for dinner, you must set on the table two plates, for he comes along with another man who will lead him in. Grief and joy are inseparable companions.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.85
3. Tests of Character
We admire gnarled old trees that grow on lofty peaks or wave-pounded shores. Their twisted limbs and weathered bark paint a picture of courage and aspiration. Their roots dig into barren earth, clawing out an existence from near-barren beginnings. We respect such stalwarts far more than the pampered saplings of fertile valleys.

And yet we seek ease for ourselves. We resent the buffetings and salt spray that etch our own experience. We reject the hardships that endow us with our own unique character. But we must stand up to such trials. Our reaction to difficult situations is a test of our readiness to tread the spiritual path. How we deal with joy and suffering shows what we have learned and the strength we have developed.

Tests are a natural and necessary part of the razor-edged journey. Without tests, we would be unable to demonstrate our merit. Only by taking the tests can we pass on to higher stages. God, in his wisdom, does not let us graduate from one level without testing our fitness to move on. Progression to higher lessons too early would only result in the possibility of a fall later.

Being students, you know very well that the university has prescribed certain examinations at the end of every academic year. Do you ascribe this system to any desire for persecuting you? Do you think it is a sign of displeasure? You know that they are conducted so that you can be promoted, don’t you? The yogis, sadhaks, and aspirants are being tested by God only to promote them.

Sathya Sai Speaks 9, p.72
When we suffer difficult situations, we may feel that God does not see our plight. In fact, that is when God is watching us most closely. He gives us an opportunity to show our strength and fortitude. He watches closely to determine our faith in the face of obstacles. If we are to be given higher work, our strength must first be tested so that a disaster does not occur later.

Some of you feel neglected by me when disappointment or trouble comes upon you. But such obstacles alone can toughen your character and make your faith firm. When you hang a picture on the wall, you shake the nail and find out whether it is firm enough to bear the weight of the picture. So, too, in order to prevent the picture of God (his image in your mind and heart) from falling and being shattered to bits, the nail (i.e., God’s name) driven into the wall of the heart has to be shaken to ascertain whether it is firm and steady.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.444

4. An Opportunity for Growth
Birth is a painful experience for mother and child. Growth almost always involves some suffering. As we grow older, we learn many difficult lessons. Uncertainty and mistakes inevitably accompany new experience. However, that is no reason to avoid new experience. The pain of growth yields the satisfaction of progress. The comfort of stagnation gives way to the odor of decline.

By suffering the consequences of incorrect action, we eventually understand what gives lasting joy and what causes pain. We learn to appraise our actions and motivations more realistically. Material values recede and transpersonal values gain in importance. We see that through suffering we learn compassion and develop a sweet-tempered disposition. The needs of others grow in importance as our own become less important. The experience of pain and loss adds to our sweetness.

The sugarcane should welcome the cutting, the hacking and the crushing, the boiling and the straining to which it is subjected; without these ordeals, the cane would dry up and make no tongue sweet. So, too, man must welcome trouble, for that alone brings sweetness to the spirit within.

Sai Baba Avatar, p.58
When we suffer pain, it is usually for our benefit. If we are given a chance to pay for our misdeeds – and take it – we are truly attending to our spiritual growth. Grace prescribes the cure; pain is the taste of the medicine.

If a mother has two sons and one of them is sick, she will give the sick son only bitter medicine, while she may give the other son anything that he may ask for. If she gives bitter medicine to one son and sweets to the other, it is not because the mother likes one son more than the other. The mother realizes that it is for the good of the sick child to take bitter medicine, and so she gives him a bitter medicine, but not because she likes him less.

Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.153
5. Nearness to God
Perhaps the new devotee is surprised to find that all suffering does not end when one finds the Lord. When the initial discovery is made, we might believe that the future can hold only joy and peace. But this is an unreasonable expectation, soon dispelled. In fact, it is by the grace of the Lord that he points out our faults so that we may correct them.

It may be that our pain is increased as we progress more quickly through our “lessons”. This is especially the case for “close devotees”, who are seen as examples of Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings. Each of us must live up to a high standard of behavior. An ideal devotee, such as Prahlada, may suffer as a lesson for others in faith and devotion. That devotee demonstrates the value of the spiritual path in developing equanimity. If we fail to exemplify the high ideals which we espouse, our punishment is strict, for the Lord has taken special interest in our progress and will not be satisfied with meager progress.

People, those outwardly “distant” from Swami, he tells, but not so severely as those “near”. People judge Swami by his “near” devotees and so those individuals must follow very strict standards of behavior.

Conversations, p.111
The Lord does not give his devotees more suffering than they can manage. The Lord protects and nurtures devotees on the path. Whatever suffering may come, it will not be more than the devotee can bear. The Lord is committed to the progress of his dear ones.

God protects his devotees. His devotee is near and dear to God, and he carries the devotee safely through life.

Conversations, p.48
Inner peace alone confers lasting joy. The evanescent pleasures of the material world grant no lasting satisfaction. Our effort must be to experience the fountainhead of self-confidence and detachment which inspires us to greater spirituality. Our enthusiasm of today must grow into steady practice. Regular effort in the face of all obstacles ensures victory. Difficulties on the road must be welcomed as means to secure God’s love and to demonstrate our worthiness to achieve higher goals.

You should not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed in any way by difficulties and sorrows, doubts and disappointments. You must have faith. Have confidence in yourself and strive to understand well the nature of God’s love. To secure that love is the sacred goal of human life.

Sanathana Sarathi, Jan. 1985, p.3
An easy and painless life would offer us little satisfaction. We would never know the exhilarating struggle for achievement or the sparkling joys of discovery. Although suffering is not a virtue and we should not seek it out, it does help us to understand the primacy of the spirit and the illusion of material glitter. Perhaps we should not be so quick to shun adversity, for through suffering alone do we realize the pain of attachment and the bliss of self-understanding.
Do you think I would confront you with pain were there not a reason for it? Open your heart to pain, as you do now to pleasure, for it is my will, wrought by me for your good. Welcome it as a challenge. Do not turn away from it. Do not listen to your mind, for mind is but another word for “need”. The mind engenders need; it manifested as this world, because it needed this. It is all my plan, to drive you by the pangs of unfulfilled need to listen to my voice which, when heard, dissolves the ego and the mind with it.
Sanathana Sarathi, Aug.74, p.185
Questions for Study Circle:
  1. Why do we suffer?
  2. Does the Lord test us or do we test ourselves?
  3. How can we avoid suffering when faced with tests and burdens?
  4. Is it desirable to avoid suffering?
  5. When we become a devotee of God, does suffering end?
  6. Is it possible to learn life’s lessons without suffering?
  7. Is it possible to have joy without grief?
  8. Can we know the cause of our suffering?
  9. Is suffering a result of inner attitude or outer events?
  10. 10. Is attachment related to suffering?
References for Further Study:
  1. Conversations, p.103 (The suffering of saints as an example for us).
  2. Conversations, pp.110-111.
  3. Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.153 (Rise up to demands of the test and please the Lord).
  4. Sathya Sai Speaks 3, p.20 (Baba takes over the stroke of a devotee).
  5. 5. Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.230 (Tests give confidence).
  6. Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.261 (Hardships teach us).
  7. Sathya Sai Speaks 9, pp. 71-76 (Tests).
  8. Summer Showers 1974, pp.102-104 (God introduces an occasional test to determine our strength).
  9. Summer Showers 1974, pp.288-289.
  10. Summer Showers 1977, p.2 (Joy and sorrow are inseparable).
  11. Summer Showers 1977, p.140 (People pay more attention to the pain than to the joy of life).
  12. Summer Showers 1978, p.32.
  13. 13. Summer Showers 1978, p.166 (Prahlada’s suffering).
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