非暴力非仅指不伤害一个生命体。应该连用语言,眼神或手势所造成的伤害也要避免。容忍,坚毅,平等 --- 凡此皆可助你更能平稳地把握非暴力。
如果一个贼砍断你的手,这可谓暴力;如果医生切断它,他救你的命而那是非暴力 。
希(希斯乐普):斯瓦米,容我再问一个有关家里的昆虫的问题。家庭主妇老是不停地与蚂蚁,蚊子,蟑螂等战斗。若不战,这些昆虫势必占领她的家了。 赛:这无可厚非,必须对付牠们。 希:如果杀死这些小生命,人们又怕犯下罪行。 赛:使家里摆脱这些小动物的纠缠是天经地义的事,没什么不对。但只限于你的住所,不是外面。
Ahimsa (Non-violence) is another phase of sathya (truth). When once you are aware of the kinship, the oneness in God, the fundamental Atmic unity, no one will knowingly cause pain or distress to another.
It (Non-violence) does not mean merely not injuring a living being. You should not cause hurt even by a word, a look, or a gesture. Tolerance, fortitude, equanimity – these help you to be steady in ahimsa.
Sathya Sai Speaks 10, p.307
We generally think that ahimsa (Non-violence) means not causing harm to some living being. Ahimsa is not just this. Even bad vision or bad hearing or bad talk is himsa (violence).
If a dacoit (thief) cuts off your hand, it is himsa (violence); if the doctor amputates it, he saves your life and so it is ahimsa (Non-violence).
Krishna wanted the peace of this world, and yet he encouraged this big battle in which forty lakhs of people were killed. Is this called himsa (violence) or ahimsa (Non-violence)? Even then, Krishna gave an appropriate answer to this. He said: “Arjuna! Let us take the case of a cancerous growth on the body, and this cancerous growth gives pain to the whole human body, although the growth itself is confined to a localized area…In this battle, or the operation, forty lakhs of disease-causing germs will be killed for the benefit of the world. Is this bad or is this for the good of the world?”
Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, p.23
H: Swami, one more question please, about household pests. The housewife is in a constant battle with ants, mosquitos, cockroaches, etc. Unless she fights, these insects take over her home. SAI: It is all right, they must be dealt with. H: People are afraid they are committing a sin against Swami if they kill these small creatures. SAI: There is nothing wrong in keeping the home free from the assault of these small creatures. But only where you are, your area. Not outside.
To preserve one’s body is an important duty. One may take whatever means are necessary for self-preservation. About the other part of your question, to kill the person attacking – the answer is yes, if that is the only way to preserve one’s own life. But keep in mind that many alternative actions might be taken to avoid being killed. Only if every possibility is exhausted may one take the extreme measure of killing the attacker.
The meaning of ahimsa is that either in thought, word, or deed, you should not cause harm to anybody. Gandhi took a vow that till the end of his life, he would follow this. But on one occasion, when he saw a cow suffering from pain, he could not bear it and he advised the doctor to give an injection and end the life of the cow. Thus, in order to help the suffering individual, we may sometimes have to harm him.