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2012/08 非暴力:四海一家亲
1. 何谓非暴力?

2. 暴力是对一体性的无知





非暴力非仅指不伤害一个生命体。应该连用语言,眼神或手势所造成的伤害也要避免。容忍,坚毅,平等 --- 凡此皆可助你更能平稳地把握非暴力。





如果一个贼砍断你的手,这可谓暴力;如果医生切断它,他救你的命而那是非暴力 。

《梵歌》(Bhagavad Gita)的教导在一个戏剧性的战场中展露无遗。在此战争中,阿周那(Arjuna)的义务就是击败一个不公不义而又强暴的敌人。主基士拿向阿周那解释说消灭敌人是他替天行道的义务。虽然故事具有一个寓喻的多种要素,但是它也是一个真实的历史事件。总是鼓励和平解决事端的 基士拿规劝斗士阿周那去消灭邪恶的高罗瓦族群(Kauravas 即俱卢族)。要建立良好的社会就得除去邪恶的敌人。















  1. 何谓非暴力?
  2. 《梵歌》是史实或寓言?
  3. 杀害可有合适的时候?
  4. 如何于日常生活中实行非暴力?
  5. 如何应付他人的暴力?
  6. 非暴力是一种心态抑或行动抑或两者兼而有之?
  7. 为何应该实行非暴力?
  8. 要完全的非暴力有可能吗?
  9. 如何以非暴力来对待自己?
Non-violence: Recognition of Kinship
1. What Is Non-violence?
Non-violence is an attitude and practice of living in harmony with others and with oneself. It is living truthfully and doing one’s duty with love and consideration. It is not a meek attitude of submission to the will of others; it can require the greatest bravery. Non-violence requires adherence to high standards of truth and self-control.

Complete Non-violence is difficult to practice because all life has some elements of violence: we must eat even if we only eat plant matter; we must walk even though we may crush small insects. However, Non-violence is really an attitude in which we avoid inflicting pain on others. Even if we are unable to help others, we must at least refrain from intentionally harming them. Imagine the results if this simple rule were universally practiced.
2. Violence Is Ignorance of Unity
When we see a thorny plant in our path, we move to avoid it. Our eyes do not ignore the threat to the feet, for if the foot is pricked by thorns, the eyes will cry on their behalf. Just as the various organs of the body cooperate, all people and nations must cooperate. All creatures and all things together form the body of God. All share a common divine origin and destiny.

Spiritual understanding enables us to recognize the unity of all people as children of the Lord. All share the spark of God within. As the world becomes smaller through travel and communication, we can all realize how interconnected and interdependent people are. A disaster in one country may affect people in many lands. When we realize the truth of oneness, we feel the pain of others as our own.

Ahimsa (Non-violence) is another phase of sathya (truth). When once you are aware of the kinship, the oneness in God, the fundamental Atmic unity, no one will knowingly cause pain or distress to another.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.128
Doing violence to others is ultimately doing violence to oneself. We reap the consequences of our actions, whether in the present or future. The result is not always clearly seen, but the action evokes an inevitable reaction. When we injure another person, we often seek to justify our actions. Tacitus, a Roman historian, said, “It is a principle of human nature to hate those whom you have injured.”

The best policy is to avoid harming others if at all possible. The safest rule is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Even small gestures can hurt another, hence we must be vigilant to avoid injuring others.

It (Non-violence) does not mean merely not injuring a living being. You should not cause hurt even by a word, a look, or a gesture. Tolerance, fortitude, equanimity – these help you to be steady in ahimsa.

Sathya Sai Speaks 10, p.307

Non-violence must also extend to ourselves. Many people do greater violence to themselves than others could possibly do to them. They harm themselves through bad habits and improper living. They overemphasize negative events and get caught in the apparent evils of the world. They focus on darkness in the world, not allowing the light to enter.

Non-violence must be a part of our perceptions and outlook. If we are unable to live peacefully with ourselves, it is impossible for us to live peacefully with others. The first step must be inner harmony and self-understanding. This develops as we strive to see divinity in all.

We generally think that ahimsa (Non-violence) means not causing harm to some living being. Ahimsa is not just this. Even bad vision or bad hearing or bad talk is himsa (violence).

Summer Showers 1978, p.210
3. The Role of Duty
While adhering to our duty, we may possibly have to harm another. In the performance of his duty, a policeman may be required to harm a criminal who is violating the rights of others. A soldier may be required to harm others while defending his country. They do not seek to harm others, but their responsibility may require it. Their intention and duty must be considered.

If a dacoit (thief) cuts off your hand, it is himsa (violence); if the doctor amputates it, he saves your life and so it is ahimsa (Non-violence).

Sathya Sai Speaks 3, p.117
The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita unfold in a drama that takes place on a battleground. In this battle, it is the duty of Arjuna to vanquish an unjust and violent foe. The Lord, Krishna, explains to Arjuna that it is his righteous duty to slay the enemy. Although the story has elements of an allegory, it is also an historical account of actual events. Krishna, who always encouraged peaceful solutions, advised the warrior Arjuna to vanquish the evil Kauravas. The greater good of society required the elimination of the wicked foe.

Krishna wanted the peace of this world, and yet he encouraged this big battle in which forty lakhs of people were killed. Is this called himsa (violence) or ahimsa (Non-violence)? Even then, Krishna gave an appropriate answer to this. He said: “Arjuna! Let us take the case of a cancerous growth on the body, and this cancerous growth gives pain to the whole human body, although the growth itself is confined to a localized area…In this battle, or the operation, forty lakhs of disease-causing germs will be killed for the benefit of the world. Is this bad or is this for the good of the world?”

Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, p.23

On a smaller scale, we are sometimes compelled to harm small insects. In maintaining the order of the home, it may be necessary to eliminate ants, roaches, or various other small intruders. Swami explains that within the confines of the home, this is permissible.

H: Swami, one more question please, about household pests. The housewife is in a constant battle with ants, mosquitos, cockroaches, etc. Unless she fights, these insects take over her home.

SAI: It is all right, they must be dealt with.

H: People are afraid they are committing a sin against Swami if they kill these small creatures.

SAI: There is nothing wrong in keeping the home free from the assault of these small creatures. But only where you are, your area. Not outside.

Conversations, p.148
Sometimes we can avoid harming another creature by encouraging it to depart. Although we try to avoid striking another, we may have to “hiss” a little. An old Indian parable told by Ramakrishna illustrates this point.

There was once a small village that was terrorized by a large cobra. The serpent lurked in a dark area by the road and would strike out at any person who ventured too close. Finally, the situation became unbearable, so the villagers entreated a passing holy man to speak to the snake. The holy sadhu found the cobra in a terrible mood, but soon subdued him with mantras and kind words. He then spoke to the cobra and taught him the importance of Non-violence to his spiritual life.

This discourse completely changed the once-terrible serpent. He became quite docile and ate only fruit and milk. Soon the village children found that the snake would not attack them. The children became so bold as to swing the poor creature around by its tail. The serpent was soon reduced to a pitiable state, hiding by day and only venturing out at night for short periods. He lost weight and became bruised and battered.

When the holy man next ventured through that village to discover the progress of his snake disciple, he was told that the cobra was seldom seen – and if so, then in a sad state of health. The holy man found the cobra cowering in a dark hole near his old haunt. Upon inquiring, he heard the sad story of the once-fearsome creature. He saw the abuse received by his serpent friend and chided him for his limited intelligence: “I said not to strike anyone. I did not say that you could not hiss!”

However, there may be times when even “hissing” is not enough. It may be necessary for us to harm another person if that person attacks us or those under our protection. Human life is very precious to each of us. We must take action to defend ourselves under extraordinary circumstances. If an attacker tries to kill us, we may have to injure or kill the assailant if all else fails. Of course, this would only be a last and highly regrettable action.

To preserve one’s body is an important duty. One may take whatever means are necessary for self-preservation. About the other part of your question, to kill the person attacking – the answer is yes, if that is the only way to preserve one’s own life. But keep in mind that many alternative actions might be taken to avoid being killed. Only if every possibility is exhausted may one take the extreme measure of killing the attacker.

My Baba and I, p.187
4. Intention and Attitude
Non-violence is a matter of intention and attitude, directed from the heart. The heart must judge the individual situation and act with love and regard to duty. There must be compassion as well as a discriminating appraisal of the situation. If a creature is suffering without hope of succor, it may be proper to end its pain if no other solution can be found.

The meaning of ahimsa is that either in thought, word, or deed, you should not cause harm to anybody. Gandhi took a vow that till the end of his life, he would follow this. But on one occasion, when he saw a cow suffering from pain, he could not bear it and he advised the doctor to give an injection and end the life of the cow. Thus, in order to help the suffering individual, we may sometimes have to harm him.

Summer Showers 1977, p.235
We are admonished to avoid doing violence to any creature whenever possible, and to respect all creatures as creations of the Lord. The inner voice is our best guide; it shows us our duty and obligations. So we must avoid harming others and act with compassion, in accordance with our responsibilities.
Questions for Study Circle:
  1. What is Non-violence?
  2. Is the Bhagavad Gita fact or allegory?
  3. Is there ever a time when killing is justified?
  4. How do we practice Non-violence in daily living?
  5. How can we deal with the violence of others?
  6. Is Non-violence an attitude or action or both?
  7. Why should we practice Non-violence?
  8. Is it possible to be completely Non-violent?
  9. How can we be Non-violent with ourselves?
References for Further Study:
  1. Conversations, p.20 (Eating meat).
  2. Gita Vahini, p.25 (Arjuna’s duty to vanquish the Kauravas).
  3. Gita Vahini, pp.218-219 (Ahimsa, one of the twenty virtues for jnana).
  4. Summer Showers 1978, p.210.
  5. Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, pp.23-24.
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