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2012/03 业(Karma):行动与反应
1. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
业是行动及行动的果报。就如一个波浪,其动作与其本体是分不开的。身体或精神的行动直接产生自与其相关起因的结果:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”因此业就表示行动的当然成果。例如,一个人种小麦,在收成时,他应该期盼的就是小麦。同样,我们在此生所收到的一切取决于我们过去世的善业或恶业 -- 而当然,今世的业也不无关系。














2. 如何避免恶业?














沙迪亚赛峇峇并不赞成我们远离社会而生活。祂主张入世的服务生活。的确,祂自己的生命就是这种服务的一个理想实例。赛峇峇苦口婆心地忠告许多人要结婚和组织家庭。峇峇甚至辅导有关世俗的事务。但我们的目标必须是不执著于结果地去做 -- 要‘入世而修出世’。我们应该见证生命戏剧但却不为它所圈套。






5. 业救小猫








  1. 业是什么?
  2. 业与转世有什么关系?
  3. 加之于我们的业的效果是好或是坏?
  4. 我们的一生可是前世注定?我们可有自由意愿?或有两者混合在一起?
  5. 如何克服业的效应?
  6. 如何避开业的果报?
  7. 圣恩能克服业吗?
  8. 如何能为之而不执著于其结果?
  9. 念头创建业吗?
  10. 若业与转世不存在,你会认为这是一个公正的世界,有一个慈爱之神存在?
Karma: Action and Reaction
1. We Reap What We Sow
Karma is action and the consequence of action. Like a wave, its motion is inseparable from its substance. Physical or mental actions result in consequences directly related to their causes: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Thus, karma denotes the natural results of action. For example, if a person sows wheat, he should expect to reap wheat at harvest time. Similarly, what we receive in this life is determined by our good or bad actions in past lives – and, of course, by some of our actions in this lifetime.

By doing a bad act, you cannot expect to get a good result, and if you do a good deed, you cannot get a bad reaction from it. The kind of seeds you sow will determine the nature of the crop they will yield.

Summer Showers 1977, p.26
When we learn a trade or profession, we become qualified to practice that type of work. We learn the skills and develop the necessary experience to perform the work. The cause and effect are obvious. Less obvious is the cause and effect of actions not so closely linked. Good or evil actions may result in unforeseen events long after the original cause is forgotten.

We are repaid for our deeds in some way or the other, whether we know it or not, and in the same coin.

Summer Showers 1979, p.10
The course of our lives is conditioned by the rights we earn and the obligations we incur. So our physical circumstances and mental and spiritual tendencies are derived from what has gone before. Karma is the spiritual law of justice in action. If karmic law was inoperative, chaos would ultimately result from the disruption of social values. The disruption would be no less than if the physical laws of cause and effect, such as the law of gravity, were removed. Karma is one of the ground rules of the divine game.

Nothing ever happens without proper reason, however accidental or mysterious it might appear. The roots go deep and are out of sight.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.427
We are not placed randomly in life either to succeed or fail in one lifetime. We live many lives and learn as a result of our experience. The process takes place on a deep level over many lifetimes. Karma is an instrument of this learning process. The tragedies and blessings of life are not dealt with whimsically by God, but are the result of our own actions. We must take responsibility for the course of our own lives.

God is not involved in either rewards or punishment. He only reflects, resounds, and reacts! He is the Eternal Unaffected Witness! You decide your own fate. Do good, be good, you get good in return; be bad, do bad deeds, you reap bad results. Do not thank or blame God. Thank yourself, blame yourself!

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.224
Often we are unaware of the results of our actions. We require time and reflection to realize the consequences of what we do. We may not know the particular error for which we suffer, but we may infer the need to develop more love or consideration for others. The pain spurs us on to find the answer within ourselves.

Of course, when grief overtakes you and pain has you in its grip, the Lord does not always announce the exact sin for which that particular experience is the punishment. You are left to deduce in a general way that every experience is a lesson and every loss is a gain.

Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.161
Although we may be unaware of our thoughtlessness, the result still must be experienced. Ignorance is not a release from karma. Escape does not come from denying the validity of the facts.

Whether we do bad work knowingly or unknowingly, the consequences are inevitable. This is the nature of karma.

Summer Showers 1977, p.157
The results of action cannot be avoided by smart ploys and devious plots. Only by learning and living the lessons taught by the saints and sages can the aspirant be free from the entanglements of karma.

You may be very intelligent and clever. All your intelligence and cleverness will not enable you to get over your own karma.

Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, p.67
2. How Do We Avoid Bad Karma?
Can we hide in a mountain cave? Can we retreat to a jungle hut? No. The results of wrong action follow closer than our shadow. They adhere to us like tar from the road. Only by walking the path of good actions and scrubbing with the soap of God’s grace can we remove that tar.

When we live in accordance with spiritual principles, the negative impact of past karma dissipates. Although still deep within, the forces lose their power over us. If we live good lives and earn God’s grace, the seeds of evil karma are unable to germinate. They do not receive the food and water which enables them to grow. Thus, like a bottle of old medicine, karma is discarded when its shelf life expires.

The weight of good acts and thoughts will bury the seeds of bad actions and thoughts. Both good and bad thoughts and impulses are like seeds in the mind. If buried too deeply in the earth, seeds rot and waste away. Good thoughts and deeds bury bad seeds so deeply that they rot and pass away and are no longer ready to spring forth.

Conversations, pp.53-54
Karma is not a specter which inevitably follows us all the days of our lives. A particular segment of karma may be erased by means of a countering deed. The evil we do may be righted by our performance of good deeds. But just as we may atone for bad deeds with good, we may also lose the fruit of good deeds through bad.

The consequence of karma can be wiped out through karma, as a thorn which can be removed only by means of another.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.310
3. Grace, the Most Effective Antidote
If we are bitten by a poisonous snake, we want an antidote. Once bitten, it is too late to take preventive measures. We need fast relief or we will succumb to the attack. Grace is the antidote for the poisons of the world.

Through divine grace the effects of action may be either totally removed or made painless, though still present. God’s grace can overcome any obstacle, however immense. When we earn God’s love and grace we may be relieved of a mountain of sin. There is no limit to God’s power.

You might say that the karma of previous births has to be consumed in this birth and that no amount of grace can save you from that. Evidently, someone has taught you to believe so. But I assure you, you need not suffer from karma like that. When a severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you a morphine injection and you do not feel the pain, thought it is still there in the body. Grace is like the morphine; the pain is not felt, though you go through it!...Or the Lord can save a man completely from the consequences, as was done by me for the bhakta whose paralytic stroke and heart attacks I took over some months ago in the Gurupournima week.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.154
Difficult karma may be removed either by the grace of the Lord or with counteracting karma. But if the lesson of that pain has not been learned, the lesson may have to be repeated. Some people are healed of dreadful diseases by Sai Baba, while others are not.

It may be difficult to understand why. But the Lord sees all the factors involved. He knows who needs to learn the lessons of sickness, and who is ready to be freed from the burden. Events which seem unfortunate are sometimes for our own good. To erase the results of evil action is no favor if we must repeat the lesson. We are fortunate when we are able to meet and overcome past burdens. Each obstacle surmounted brings us nearer to the unitive experience of atma / brahman.
4. The Best Course
We cannot avoid all action, remaining in bed all day for fear of a wrong step. But we can perform our duties without attachment to the results. If we leave the consequences to God, then we are not too concerned with the ups and downs of life. Our duty is to live with love for all. If we act with pure motivations, we can trust in God to watch out for our welfare.

Attachment is a function of the ego. If we act without desire, we avoid treading on the hot coals of karma. But the lessons of action are not always clear. When we seek pleasure, the result is often painful. When we sacrifice our own gain, the result may be sweet. Craving the benefit of action, we become attached to the results. Then our attachment subjects us to pain and loss.

If you crave the profit, you will have to be prepared to accept the loss also.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.227
The solution is not for us to hide in a cave, avoiding even the smallest of actions. It is rather to dedicate our actions to God, acting in a manner consistent with our divine promptings. It is impossible and even undesirable to escape all action. Without action, we could not learn the lessons of this life. Only through action is our character purified and refined.

It is not possible for anyone to abstain from action. Action is the basis for our existence. This body has been given to us for the sake of action. It is the need of man’s life that he must sanctify it through action and purify his time by right action. This stream of action flows through jnana (wisdom) also and ultimately leads us to the highest stages of realization.

Summer Showers 1972, p.275
Sathya Sai Baba does not recommend a life away from society for us. He advocates a life of service in the world. Indeed, his own life is an ideal example of such service. Many people are counseled by Sai Baba to marry and raise families. Baba may even offer advice on worldly matters. But our goal must be to act without attachment to the results – to be “in the world, but not of the world.” We should witness the drama of life without becoming ensnared by it.

The art of engaging in karma without getting involved in karma is the thing that has to be learned. Karma has to be done because it is part of one’s nature, not out of any external compulsion…So, too, karma done for the profit arising therefrom accumulates consequences which bind a man; it increases in size like a snowball. But karma done without any thought of the fruit therefrom keeps on diminishing and leaves you free from all consequence.

Sathya Sai Speaks 3, p.96
When we perform our duties well and dedicate them to God, they bring us closer to self-realization. Actions done without desire for rewards promotes equanimity. With equanimity, we free ourselves from pain and loss.

The law of karma holds out hope for you: as the karma, so the consequence. Do not bind yourself further by seeking the fruit of karma. Offer the karma at the feet of God. Let it glorify him, let it further his splendor. Be unconcerned with the success or failure of the endeavor; then death can have no noose to bind you with. Death will come as a liberator, not a jailor.

Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.183
When we witness the drama of life yet are not caught by it, we are liberated from desire. We must remember that we are actors in the play of life. It is foolish to be too concerned with the fate of actors playing a role.

Do all karma as actors in a play, keeping your identity separate and not attaching yourself too much to your role. Remember that the whole thing is just a play and the Lord has assigned you a part. Act your part well: there all your duty ends.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, p.172
5. Karma Saves the Kitten
Karma is a two-sided sword. We fear the results of our bad actions, but only through karma can we gain spiritual freedom. It is wise to regard karma as an ally. We must befriend karma through action free from attachment; then it aids us in our battle.

Karma can save as well as kill. It is like the cat that bites: it bites the kitten in order to carry it in its mouth to a place of safety; it bites the rat in order to kill and eat. Become the kitten and karma will rescue you like a loving mother. Become a rat and you are lost.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, p.13
Bliss is derived from living with spiritual discrimination and detachment. Without wrong desire and ensnaring attachment, life yields happiness. Bliss may be experienced both in the journey and at the destination.

There is more joy in the doing of karma than in the fruit it may give. The pilgrimage is often more pleasurable than the actual experience of the temple to which the pilgrim went.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, pp.178-179
Karma is the medicine for overcoming bondage to the cycle of birth and death. Wisdom is earned through karma. Through this human birth, we rise to liberation. The play of cause and effect teaches us the essential lessons which enable us to attain spiritual freedom.

It is only through karma that devotion can be deepened. Karma cleanses the mind and makes it fit for jnana.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, pp.83-84
The process of living and learning through the lessons of karma ultimately brings us to liberation. If we do not live and learn, how will we ever know ultimate truth?

Only through karma can liberation be effected…Without karma, progress is very difficult.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.124
Questions for Study Circle:
  1. What is karma?
  2. What is the relationship of karma and reincarnation?
  3. Is karma good or bad in its effects on us?
  4. Are the events of our lives predestined, do we have free will, or is there a mixture of both?
  5. How can we overcome the effects of karma?
  6. How can we avoid the consequences of karma?
  7. Can grace overcome karma?
  8. How can we act without attachment to results?
  9. Do thoughts create karma?
  10. If karma and reincarnation did not exist, would you consider this a just world with a loving God?
References for Further Study:
  1. Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3.
  2. Conversations, p.111 (Past, present, and future karma).
  3. Dhyana Vahini, pp.1-2
  4. Gita Vahini, pp.47-48 (Everyone must engage kin karma).
  5. Gita Vahini, pp.134-135 (Primal karma).
  6. Gita Vahini, pp.247-250 (Nishkama karma).
  7. Gita Vahini, p.265 (Dushkarma, sath-karma, misra-karma, jnana-karma).
  8. Sathya Sai Speaks 2, pp.114-116.
  9. Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.168 (You create your own karma).
  10. Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.111.
  11. Sathya Sai Speaks 11, pp.157-159 (Types of karma).
  12. Summer Showers 1972, pp.154-156 (Prarabhda, sanchita, and agami karma).
  13. Summer Showers 1972, p.276 (Karma, vikarma, akarma).
  14. Summer Showers 1974, p.223 (What is karma?)
  15. Summer Showers 1977, pp.26-29.
  16. Summer Showers 1979, pp.4-6, 10 (Nishkama Karma).
  17. Summer Showers 1979, pp.108-109.
  18. Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, p.106 (On the path of karma yoga the aspirant relies on personal strength).
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