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2011/11 多甜蜜的圣恩


Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.184
在新英格兰的偏远地带,到乡下的旅行者有时会被地方心态所困惑。问路时,他们可能得到的回答是,“你不能从这里到那里。” 幸运地,当我们寻找正确的方向时,通常都有一个门路。如果我们问的是正确的问题,使用的是正确的向导,朝向灵性圣恩的旅程也是可能的。









赢取圣恩的主要方法是靠虔诚和平稳的灵修。 热衷的修行可由人格的革新与博爱众生来成就。净化人格后,我们就变得更适宜来接受神恩。











神恩有时不以我们所认识的方式出现。它或悄悄地来,不为人所见,宛似凌晨的甘露。神恩可能像欢乐的汹涌浪涛涌向我们或以另一种装扮来敲我们的门 -- 隐藏于‘不幸’之服饰之中的一种祝福。












《 沙迪亚赛说》第4章356面
神恩可以在信徒之内彰显为高尚或善良的人格。修成这样的人格是最重要的恩典。缺少它,一切好运难起作用。最大的恩典就是那使我们具有美德者 --- 并且付出无私的爱。

你的任何机能再也不会阻碍你的进步。祂会使你的机能适应最高的目标:感官,心念,潜意识,无意识,智能 --- 所有一切。神恩授予你一切所需。






  1. 神恩是什么?
  2. 神恩常使生命轻松愉快吗?
  3. 神恩能克服障碍吗?
  4. 如何赢得神恩?
  5. 神恩能成为不可赢得的礼物吗?
  6. 我们怎么知道我们收到了神恩?
  7. 神恩以什么方式降临?
  8. 神为什么赐予恩典?
  9. 神如何决定谁该获得恩典?
  10. 如可能,你该给你自己什么恩典?
Grace: How Sweet It Is
1. What is Grace?
Spiritual grace is a benefit bestowed by God. It is a transformation of attitude or events that helps us to draw closer to realizing our divine nature. Grace grants us opportunities to avoid wasted time and trouble while on the spiritual path. It may manifest as wisdom or inspiration or material aid. The result can appear in any form.

Grace will set everything right. Its main consequence is “self-realization,” but there are other incidental benefits, too, like a happy, contented life here below and a cool, courageous temper, established in unruffled equanimity…This is the nature of grace. It fulfills a variety of wants.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.184
2. How Do We Get Grace?
In remote areas of New England, travelers to rustic lanes are sometimes bewildered by local attitudes. On asking directions to their destination, they have sometimes received the reply, “You can’t get there from here.” Fortunately, there is always a way when we search in the correct direction. The journey to spiritual grace is also possible if we ask the right questions and enlist the right guide.

Some divine benefits are available to all who are receptive. It is our birthright to receive God’s love and aid. When we walk the razor’s edge, we become particularly aware of the light and love which protect us.

God’s grace is as the shower of rain, as the sunlight. You have to do some sadhana (spiritual practice) to acquire it: the sadhana of keeping a pot upright to receive the rain, the sadhana of opening the door of your heart so that the sun may illumine it.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.184
The use we make of our gifts determines the benefit we receive. We are free to act according to our own will. We can use our gifts for the benefit of others or toward their downfall. The quality of our motivation colors the results we achieve.

Water in lakes, pits, wells, and rivers is rain water, though the taste, color, name, and form are different, based on where the rain has fallen and how pure the container is. Divine grace is like rain, pure, pellucid, falling on all. How it is received and used depends on the heart of man.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.18
When we live a good life, grace follows us automatically. No special request is required. The divine energy flows naturally to those who love and serve others. As water naturally fills lakes and streams, grace flows spontaneously to one living in accordance with spiritual principles.

If a person has a pure heart and is living Swami’s teachings, Swami’s grace is automatic. No karma can prevent that.

Conversations, p.109
There are two types of grace: that which is earned and that which is unearned. Grace from God may be bestowed at a particular time in our lives as a result of past meritorious actions. Or it may be an unearned gift from the Lord based on our spiritual progress and devotion. Of course, we do not know which type of grace we have received, if we realize we have received grace at all.

You can draw checks on a bank only when you have deposited therein, or you can mortgage your property and take a loan, or the bank may grant you an overdraft. The property on which you can take a loan is the “accumulated merit consequent on the good deeds of previous lives.” The overdraft on which you can draw in times of emergency is grace, which God showers when you are sincere and steady enough to deserve it. You must give some surety or someone as security to get a loan: the surety is divine grace; the security is the fixity of your faith, the solidarity of your surrender.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.175
The principal means to earn grace is by dedicated and unruffled spiritual practice. Dedicated practice is achieved by reforming our character along the lines of right conduct and developing love for all. When we purify our character, we become increasingly fit to receive grace.

Above all, try to win grace by reforming your habits, reducing your desires, and refining your higher nature. One step makes the next one easier; that is the excellence of the spiritual journey. At each step, your strength and confidence increase and you get bigger and bigger installments of grace.

Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.30
To master the art of self-transformation, we must start early. The journey is easier and more enjoyable when we plan sufficient time for the road. To win grace, we should begin, if possible, while still young. If we waste youth in pursuit of sensuous desires, who will listen to our cries when we reach old age? The fear of death and sickness causes many to think of God, but who thinks of God when life is pleasant and new? The difficulty of the path makes an early start highly desirable.

If at an advanced age you try to control your desires and senses, you may or may not win the Lord’s grace. On the other hand, if at this young age you control your sense organs, there is no doubt whatsoever that you will gain God’s grace.

Summer Showers 1973, p.138
But before we call for the grace of the Lord, we must first use all of our own abilities to help ourselves. If we call on the Lord before we have used the means already at our disposal, we are being lazy. We must first make our best effort to solve our own problems.

When you have done your best and that is found not enough, then call on me. I am ever ready to reinforce your exertions with my grace.

Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.123
When we act in accordance with the call of the divine inner voice, the journey becomes easier. Spiritual development makes each step more certain and the goal appears closer. Less effort is required as beneficial habits are reinforced. As we taste the sweetness of the tonic, our practice of discipline becomes more pleasurable. We become confident of our own abilities and grace flows to us automatically.

Individual effort and divine grace are both interdependent. Without effort, there will be no conferment of grace. Without grace, there can be no gain from the effort. To win that grace, you need have only faith and virtue.

Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.188
By practicing selfless love, we identify directly with God. Practicing love for man and God is the most potent means to earn grace. God is love and is drawn by love. Love purifies us so that we may recognize and receive grace.

The grace of God cannot be won through the gymnastics of reason, the contortions of yoga, or the denials of asceticism. Love alone can win it, love that needs no requital, love that knows no bargaining, love that is paid gladly as tribute to the All-Loving, love that is unwavering. Love alone can overcome obstacles, however many and mighty.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.459
3. How Does Grace Appear?
Sometimes grace does not appear in a form that we may recognize. It may arrive unseen, like the sweet dew at dawn. Grace may burst upon us like waves in a torrent of joy, or it may knock at our door wearing a disguise – a blessing hidden in the clothes of misfortune.

Grace manifests in many ways. Protection from accidents or disasters is one of the most startling ways in which it might appear. But we may not always be aware when we have been saved from calamity. We do not know what losses or injuries we might have suffered but for divine intervention.

Through steady spiritual practice we may have earned unknown respite from at least some of the results of our past actions. Many instances are recorded of devotees who have been saved from obvious and imminent disaster by Sathya Sai Baba. Such is the power of the Lord’s grace and the importance of following his precepts. Baba protects and guides his devotees safely along the surest path.

The most desirable form of wealth is the grace of God. He will guard you, even as the lids guard the eye. Do not doubt this.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.190
Many obstacles to our spiritual progress are better overcome than avoided. Only when an obstacle is surmounted may we pass to the next test. The course of events is best left to the Lord. He knows the safest course for each aspirant. If we rely on the Lord, we will come to no harm.

Rely on the grace of God; earn it and keep it. Then whatever the strength of the storm, you can survive it without harm.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.364
Divine grace does not always appear when or as we might wish. When we strive to advance spiritually, we must confront the obstacles which block our way. The best course may be to experience the pain or suffering, which cleanses us. The process may be painful, but sometimes pain benefits us the most.

It is grace. Those who suffer have my grace. Only through suffering will they be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry. And without turning inward and making inquiry, they can never escape misery.

Conversations, p.110
When grace affords us an opportunity to atone for past actions, we may experience pain and loss. However, the grace of God lessens the pain and reduces the loss. The suffering may be essential for our growth and so we must experience it. The Lord’s grace reduces our burden.

When a severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you a morphine injection and you do not feel the pain, though it is there in the body. Grace is like the morphine: the pain is not felt, though you go through it! Grace takes away the malignity of the karma which you have to undergo…

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.154
Although the burden of past actions may have to be endured, the grace of God minimizes the pain, or may even eliminate it. Karma is not an insurmountable obstacle. When we exert our best efforts, the Lord reduces the obstacle to a size that we can bear.

You may say that the burden of past acts and their inevitable consequences have to be borne, but the grace of the Lord can burn that burden in a flash…

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.356
Grace may manifest in the devotee as noble or virtuous character. Such character is the most important grace to obtain. Without it all good fortune would yield little benefit. The greatest grace is that which makes us virtuous – and selflessly loving.

No more can any faculty of yours hinder your progress. He will orient all of your faculties towards the highest goal: the senses, the mind, the subconscious, the unconscious, the intelligence – all. Grace will confer all you need.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.76
4. Grace: Without It There Is Neither Start Nor Finish
Most people are lost in a waking dream. They wander about believing the real to be false and the false to be real. Like absent-minded actors in a play, they have forgotten their lines and they take their haphazardly improvised role to be reality. Without grace, one cannot even start the Lord’s play, much less bow at the finale.

The grace of God is essential for “salvation.” It helps us to grow in many ways, granting more than we could ask for. Not even the urge to realize divinity can be obtained without God’s grace. The means, the ability, and our achievement of the goal are all dependent upon grace.

Through the grace of the Lord alone can man develop a desire for advaita, or nonduality of the universe, one without second.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.170
All our efforts should be directed toward winning God’s grace. His grace is our only true wealth. It is our greatest possession in this life and the next. Without that grace, there can be little sweetness in our lives.

God’s grace is the greatest wealth. To consider the amassing of money, gold, or other material objects as symbols of wealth and social prestige is incorrect. The goal of life, instead, should be the acquisition of the divine wealth of God’s grace.

Summer Showers 1979, p.152
Questions for Study Circle:
  1. What is grace?
  2. Does grace always make life easier?
  3. Can grace overcome any obstacle?
  4. How is grace earned?
  5. Can grace be an unearned gift?
  6. How do we know if we have received grace?
  7. In what form may grace arrive?
  8. Why does God grant grace?
  9. How does God decide who should receive grace?
  10. If you could, what grace would you grant yourself?
References for Further Study:
  1. An Eastern View of Jesus, pp.18-19.
  2. Conversations, pp.111-112.
  3. Jnana Vahini, p.67 (With grace, one can have a vision of the atma, however deficient one is in other areas).
  4. Sanathana Sarathi, Jan. 1985, p.12.
  5. Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.128 (The man who called for the Lord’s help, but did not make his own effort).
  6. Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.184.
  7. Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.26 (Grace is won by effort).
  8. Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.162-163 (Good deeds may be drawn on like bank credit).
  9. Sathya Sai Speaks 7, pp.196 (Earn grace by doing the Lord’s will).
  10. Sathya Sai Speaks 7, pp.470-471.
  11. Sathya Sai Speaks 9, p.226 (Four stages of acquiring grace).
  12. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, pp.228 (Win grace by purity of heart and mastery of senses).
  13. Summer Showers 1974, p.183 (Grace depends on nearness to God).
  14. Summer Showers 1974, p.255 (Without love, God’s grace cannot flow).
  15. We devotees, p.54.
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