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2011/10 静坐(坐禅):寻找内在的神性
1. 坐禅是什么?







《夏季浸濡1979》 101面


《沙迪亚赛说》第7章 356面

方向是一个必要的元素。我们必须得到一个识途者的响导。如果我们找出自己的路,我们也可能抵达目标,但旅途会比较艰辛。很多求道者已试过沙迪亚赛峇峇的指示并已确认沿途的喜悦与爱的路标。仔细聆听赛峇峇的教诲及我们内心的指示,我们自己即可明辨正确的途径。教诲是正确不误的,但我们必须作内在的反省以了解我们如何在生命中修习这些原则。开始坐禅就能达此目的 —— 协助我们了解和修习神圣的教导。




《沙迪亚赛说》第4章 236面


《交谈》 139面


《沙迪亚赛说》第6章 298面


《交谈》 57面


《沙迪亚赛说》第7章 30面


《沙迪亚赛说》第6章 239面


《夏季浸濡 1979》 116面



《沙迪亚赛说》第7章 473 - 474面
  1. 静坐的目的是什么?
  2. 静坐的好处是什么?
  3. 静坐之于灵性进展是不可或缺的吗?
  4. 有一种最好的静坐法门吗?
  5. 静坐可以被传授吗?
  6. 我们要怎样学习静坐?
  7. 静坐是一种精神过程吗?
  8. 如何鉴定或评估静坐所带来的进步?
  9. 只通过静坐,我们就能获得灵性的进步吗?
Meditation: Search for the Divinity Within
1. What is Meditation?
Meditation is a word with many meanings. To some, meditation is a science of the mind. To others, it is an art, indefinable and mystical. For almost all, it is difficult to understand. Meditation denotes quiet introspection or absorption in the divine. It means exploring and expanding consciousness. Meditation can be the awakening of inner energies or the discovery of self-understanding. It may be repeating the name of the Lord with love, or simply collecting oneself for the day ahead. To all, meditation is a means to concentrate within, to discover the inner wellsprings of love and wisdom, of joy and peace.

Meditation for spiritual aspirants is a practice of inner contemplation. Its goal is the realization of Oneness in the world and in ourselves. The practice transforms us and our perspective of the world. With time, meditation may grant us ultimate self-understanding. We come to see ourselves and the creation as manifestations of God’s will. The illusion of separateness disappears when all is experienced as One.

Real meditation is getting absorbed in God as the only thought, the only goal. God only, only God. Think God, breathe God, love God, live God.

Conversations, p.133
2. How Do We Start?
If you have ever gazed with wonder at a star-filled night or marveled at the miracle of a wildflower, you have already begun. Everyone is traveling the path to God, but some are more aware of the journey than others. Some of us drift on a lazy tide, while others rocket toward the destination as if guided by a compass.

Direction is an essential element. We must be guided by one who already knows the way. If we strike out on our own, we may also reach the goal, but the journey will be more difficult. Many aspirants have tested the directions of Sathya Sai Baba and have recognized the guideposts of joy and love along the way. By carefully listening to the instructions of Sai Baba and the indications of our heart, we can discern the proper path for ourselves. The instruction is genuine, but we must reflect within to understand how we can practice the principles in our own lives. Beginning meditation serves this purpose – to help us understand and practice holy teachings.

One method, which Sathya Sai Baba describes as the most universal and effective, is the light meditation. To practice this meditation, Swami recommends that the aspirant set aside a few minutes every day, preferably in the morning before the events of the day distract the mind. A small lamp or candle can be used to help the meditator visualize the light of love and truth. This flame is pictured between the eyebrows as the light of wisdom; from there it is brought down to the heart and visualized as a lotus of love blooming petal by petal. As the light grows, it purifies all the senses and impulses, taking all into the light of divine love. Over time, this meditation purifies the individual’s thoughts and actions, making him or her fit for realization of divinity.

Meditation is naturally difficult at first. Most people cater to the needs of the body first and neglect the spirit. The process must be reversed so that the body serves the indweller. The mind must become master of the senses. When the mind asserts control over the senses, the process of self-mastery begins.

There are some who while meditating strike at the mosquitos that pester them! No, immerse yourselves in dhyanam (meditation) until you transcend all physical and mental urges and impulses.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.236
Meditation requires us to explore within, a place not too many are familiar with. Particularly in the West, we are accustomed to seeking satisfaction outside of ourselves. It is not so common for us to look within for peace and happiness. However, with regular practice, meditation becomes a joyful, even indispensable part of each day. In the beginning, it is important for us to create a regular habit of meditation. A fixed time and place help us to dive within more quickly. Patience and tenacity are required to establish the habit.

For meditation to be effective, there must be steady practice with no hurry or worry. With steady practice, the person will become quiet and the state of meditation will naturally come about.

Conversations, p.139
Real meditation promotes the constant awareness that all activity carries us closer to God. It is useless for us to elevate our thoughts in meditation if in the next moment we give way to pride or criticism. We must maintain one-pointed awareness and commitment to our liberation. All of our activities should reflect our appreciation of the omnipresent divinity.

In real dhyana, you soon get over the consciousness that you are doing dhyana. In fact, every moment in life must be utilized for dhyana. That is the best way to live. When you sweep your rooms clean, tell yourselves that your hearts too have to be swept likewise. When you cut vegetables, feel that lust and greed too have to be cut into pieces. When you press chapathis (flat Indian bread) wider and wider, desire in addition that your love may take in wider and wider circles and expand even into the regions of strangers and foes.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.298
When constant meditation is practiced, there cannot be only one posture or one prescribed method of concentration. We can meditate while we walk, while we drive, or during our other quiet times. The inner subjective state is important, not the outer circumstances. Our inner needs dictate the pace and manner of practice.

Sitting in meditation, the question often comes up, “How long should we sit?” There is no particular time. Meditation is really an all-day-long process.

Conversations, p.57
3. How Can We Recognize Progress?
A miner knows success when he strikes gold. A racer knows success when he crosses the finish line. A meditator knows success when he transforms his character. Meditation must enable us to practice truthfulness, love, inner peace, and care for all beings. If meditation cannot change our lives, it is a hollow practice. If we do not have the conviction to act on our inner direction, we waste our time in listening for the voice. If we do not practice our duty, we are only putting on a show for ourselves or others. What is the use of sitting in meditation if no result is achieved?

Do you love more, do you talk less, do you serve others more earnestly? These are the signs of success in dhyana. Your progress must be authenticated by your character and behavior.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.30
True meditation helps us discover our inner identity. It enables us to hear the divine voice in our heart, which illumines the path ahead. It allows us to perceive and develop divine qualities.

Man is divine. He can purify himself into perfect divinity by the process of dhyana, taken up with eagerness and followed with faith by virtuous individuals.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.239
Progress in meditation results in the elimination of desire. Desire gives us no peace; instead, it hides the divine light in our hearts. When the mind is controlled and examined, it is seen to have no form of its own. Like a shining mirror, it only assumes the image of that which is reflected in it. Our object must be to see directly the light of the atma, the inner divinity, without the aid of this mirror. To do this, we must remove desire.

The mind has no independent identity of its own; it is a conglomeration of the desires that sprout from the impulses. A cloth is essentially a bundle of threads. Threads, in their truth, are basically cotton. Similarly, desires from basic impulses, and the mind is constituted of these desires. Just as a piece of cloth disintegrates if threads in it are pulled apart, the mind too can be destroyed by the eradication of desires.

Summer Showers 1979, p.116
4. Make Joy Your Priceless Possession
Would a miner leave a rich vein of gold in the ground? Would a thief leave behind riches and take only trash? Would a diver drop a pearl and take only sand? Then why do we settle for the tinsel of the world while the greatest treasure lies untapped within us?

The personality and body, which we take to be ourselves, is only a passing phenomenon. Through meditation, we must discern the real from the unreal, the passing from the permanent, the valuable from the worthless. The reality is God within each person. He is omnipresent, manifesting himself as love and joy beyond understanding. The goal of meditation must be to realize that joyful vision. Repetition of the name is one of its most effective techniques.

By means of dhyana, you can realize that I am the resident in all hearts, the urge, the motive, the guide, the goal. Yearn for that vision, that awareness, and make it your priceless possession.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, pp. 473 - 474
Questions for Study Circle:
  1. What is the purpose of meditation?
  2. What are the benefits of meditation?
  3. Is meditation essential for spiritual progress?
  4. Is one type of meditation best?
  5. Can meditation be taught?
  6. How do we learn to meditate?
  7. Is meditation a mental process?
  8. How can progress in meditation be evaluated?
  9. Can we progress spiritually through meditation alone?
References for Further Study:
  1. Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6.
  2. Conversations, p.72 (Visions of Swami in meditation are real).
  3. Conversations, pp.132–145.
  4. Dhyana Vahini, p.7 (Method).
  5. Dhyana Vahini, p.14 (Success in meditation is proportionate to right conduct).
  6. Dhyana Vahini, p.18 (Equal-mindedness).
  7. Sathya Sai Speaks 1, pp.34–36.
  8. Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.30 (Dreams of Swami are real).
  9. Sathya Sai Speaks 6, pp.239-241 (Light meditation).
  10. Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.120 (Seven states of meditation).
  11. Sathya Sai Speaks 9, p.33 (Kundalini yoga).
  12. Sathya Sai Speaks 9, pp.185-186 (Concentration, contemplation, and meditation).
  13. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, pp.117-119 (Chakras).
  14. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, p.152 (Evidence of progress in meditation).
  15. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, p.248 (Merging of thoughts in God).
  16. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, p.273 (Types of meditation).
  17. Summer Showers 1979, pp.80–84.
  18. Summer Showers 1979, pp.89–103 (States of consciousness).
  19. Summer Showers 1979, p.103 (Supernormal experiences).
  20. Summer Showers 1979, pp.111-112, 115.
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