多年不断持名,朝圣,读经的苦修 -- 这些都比不上与善知识交游更能帮助求道者在灵道上的进展和成就。
透过社僧(satsang),你摆脱虚幻, 透过摆脱虚幻,你培育起对真理的信心, 而透过对真理的信心,你达获超脱。
The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is satsang (good company). The company of the good and the godly will slowly and surely chasten and cleanse the persons prone to straying away from the straight path towards self-realization.
When a sharp ax is used to cut a sandalwood tree, the sandalwood tree does not feel hurt by the ax, nor does it get angry with it. On the contrary, the sandalwood tree hands its fragrance to the ax… This is the quality of good people.
There were two parrots on a tree, twins, to be more precise. A hunter trapped them and sold them, one to a low, cruel butcher and the other to a sage who was running an ashrama (school) to teach the Vedas (holy scriptures). After a few years, he was surprised to find that one bird swore very foully, while the other recited the leelas (divine play) of the Lord in a sweet musical tone which captivated the listeners. Such is the effect of the environment; so seek and secure satsang.
The company of bad men is the prelude to the disappearance of wisdom. The company of good men makes wisdom blossom.
Ascetic practices, years of constant recitation of the name, pilgrimages to holy places and shrines, study of sacred books – these will not help the aspirant to spiritual victory as much as communion with the godly and good.
You are molded by the company you relish. When you make friends with the blacksmith, you are bound to collect black dust on your clothes and skin. That is why sangam, association, is held to be so crucial in spiritual life.
For the siddha (the accomplished seeker) too, one who has reached success, satsang is valuable, for it is like keeping a pot of water inside a tank of water: there will not be any loss by evaporation. If the yogi lives among worldly men, the chances of his yoga evaporating into bhoga (bad habits) are very great.
Join satsang, the company of the godly. Just as the tame elephants surround the wild tusker and rope him and bind him hand and foot and immobilize him before taming him, the spiritually minded will bring the doubter around.
Through satsang you develop freedom from delusion, through freedom from delusion you develop faith in truth, and through faith in truth you attain liberation itself.