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2010/01 这银行和那银行







还有另一种银行,它接受存款并严格而保密地看管着账目。每一个小数额都被记下和说明意、言、行、好、坏和不好不坏的情况。如果这银行照顾你的财富或资产(aasthi),那么,那另一种银行则注意你是不是一个依据最高的神圣指导原则而行事者(aasthika)- 当正义和真理受到侵犯或背弃,当财富或欲望奴役人而难以抑制时,神圣的指导原则就会从内心发出警告。儿子不能为那另一种财富提出诉讼,税务局也不能插足其间。骗子更不能偷天换日,把它转入自己的口袋。为了你今世和来世的成功你就在那另一种银行开个户头吧。随灵性努力而增加的存款额会带给你欢乐与平和。

当你此时此地为了你迈入老年和不时之需而培养这种‘储蓄习惯’的同时,你也有必要为了来世而培养那种‘储蓄习惯’,使你获得救赎。言必信,行必义(Dharmam chara,Sathyam vada)乃重要法门。正义(Dharma)、真理(Sathya)、爱(Prema)是那另一种银行所接受的货币。所有与本质之纯净相呼应的意、言、行都会被接受为存款。是故,除了在这银行开户头之外,你还必须在那另一种银行开户头。。。


这银行不随便贷款给任何人;它只帮助那些值得信赖、以勤奋与诚实见称以及善加利用钱财而有信用者。另一种银行则救助那些怀持真理(Sathya)、正义(Dharma)、 平和(Shanthi)与爱(Prema)的人,免他们受苦。这银行只会依据以你名下存入款额的正比来估计其救助的数量;而另一种银行也作同样的评估。



有时,这银行会给你透支以解决你燃眉之急;透支的数目当然由银行经理按照你的可靠性和能力来裁定。它就像是神加于你的恩宠(anugraha)。这恩宠是你以善业、善念、善意与善知识以及持名(Sath Karma、Sath Chinthana、Sath Bhava、Sath Sanga和Namasmarana)赢取的。



那另一种银行处理的是灵性户头,也设有保险箱。把你智能、机灵、服务能力的珠宝及你最重视的宝石,如‘自我’,让神保管,那么,你就会感到快乐无比了。Maam ekam Sharanam Vraja,意思是,‘只诚服于我一人’。这就是主邀请的方式。然后,‘他’保证Maa Suchah,意为:你丝毫无需悲叹。。。

你把这世俗的财富(dhanam)存入这银行;而另一种财富即,你所执行的功德善业(punyam)、你所成就的纯净、你所彰显的爱 - 把这些宝贵的东西带来给我;我会接受它们为你的存款。
This Bank and That Bank
This is an excerpt of a beautiful discourse delivered by Bhagavan Baba on the occasion of the inauguration of a branch office of State Bank of India in Prasanthi Nilayam more than 40 years ago.
I am glad that the State Bank of India is opening a branch here in the Prashanthi Nilayam area. Artha (wealth) is one of the Purushaarthas – legitimate objects of human endeavour. The four purushaarthas are dharma, artha, kaama and moksha (righteousness, wealth, desire and liberation). They have been listed so, in that order, on purpose.

Dharma (righteousness) has to direct and control the process of earning wealth (artha) and moksha (liberation) is to be the regulating factor of desire (kaama). All wealth accruing from sources minted by adharma (unrighteous means) is to be treated with contempt as unworthy of man.

All desires that do not subserve the one supreme need for liberation are to be given up as beneath the dignity of man. So, the Adhyaathmic (spiritual) basis of dharma and moksha, has to be the root of both artha and kaama. Without it, earning degenerates into plundering; desire degenerates into death.

This Bank helps you to keep your money safe when you deposit it with them. They are happy to receive it from you; they will allow you to make use of it when you are in difficulty. But your money helps you only in worldly distress. You accumulate it with great care, by thousands of acts of denial, denying yourselves this comfort or that convenience, saving in this item and that, spending less and earning more; but a day comes when you have to leave the pile and go, empty-handed.

This passbook will not be looked into there. Why, even while here, when the pile grows into an attractive quantity, sons start fighting for it, causing you anxiety and fear; taxes take away a large share; thieves and crooks have an eye on it.

What is the Other Bank?

There is another Bank which receives deposits and maintains accounts strictly and confidentially. Every little sum is entered and accounted for deeds, thoughts, words, good, bad and indifferent. If this Bank takes good care of your aasthi (properties, wealth), that Bank watches whether you are an aasthika, a person who acts on the assumption that there is asthi – a sovereign guiding principle that is divine, that whispers warnings from the heart when dharma and sathya are infringed, when artha and kaama enslave man unchecked. No son can sue for that aasthi (wealth); no tax-gatherer can lay his hands on it. No crook can transfer it to his purse. Open a deposit account there, in that Bank, for your prosperity here and hereafter. That deposit, growing by your spiritual efforts, will give you joy and peace.

While you should develop this saving habit here, for the sake of old age and a rainy day, it is necessary that you should develop that "saving habit" for the hereafter, so that you may be saved. Dharmam chara, sathyam vada is the method. Dharma, sathya and prema (Righteousness, Truth and Love) are the currency accepted by that other Bank. All acts, words and feelings ringing with the purity of these metals will be accepted as deposits. So, along with an account in this bank, you must take care to have an account in that other Bank also…

The Unique Features of the Other Bank

This bank will not give loans to all and sundry; its help is only for those who are credit-worthy, who have impressed by their industry and integrity that they will make good use of the money and keep their word. That other Bank too will save from distress and grief those who have sathya, dharma, shanthi and prema. This bank will help only in proportion to the deposits that stand in your name; that Bank too deals like that.

The consequences of the meritorious activities of previous births can be drawn upon now; but unless you have them, no cheque will be honoured. Moreover, only those who have the account can operate. Each must have a separate account in his own name; one brother cannot draw on the account of another brother; the wife cannot draw on the account of the husband.

This bank will give loans if you mortgage your house or lands, property that has come down to you from your ancestors, gold jewellery that has come to you from your mothers, etc. That Bank also will allow you to draw upon the accounts of previous births, and deposits made then. That is why you find some people, who are obviously wicked and cruel, mean and miserly, yet leading 'happy' lives, free from pain and grief. They have drawn upon deposits made in the past. They are entitled to that happiness.

Sometimes, this bank will grant you overdrafts, so that you tide over temporary crisis; the extent of the overdraft is settled by the Manager with reference to your reliability and capabilities. It is like the anugraha (Grace), that God will confer on you when you have earned it by sath karma, sath chinthana, sath bhaava, sath sanga and Naamasmarana (good deeds, good thoughts, good feelings, good company and constant contemplation on the name of God and the glory it seeks to express).

Surrender Your Ego to God's Safe Deposit Vault

Banks have safe deposit vaults, where customers can keep their valuables, jewels, legal documents and other things like silver and gold, which attract thieves; they can then be free from worry and sleep in peace. Surrender them to the custody of the Bank and dismiss anxiety from the mind.

That other Bank, dealing with spiritual accounts, has also a safe deposit vault. Surrender your jewels of intelligence, cleverness, capacity to serve and the gem that you most value, namely, your ego to the care of God; then, you can be happy. Maam ekam sharanam vraja, meaning, “ Surrender to Me alone”. This is the way the Lord invites. Then, He assures Maa suchah, that is, you need not grieve at all….

This earthly dhanam (wealth) you take to this bank; that other dhanam, the punyam (good deeds) you do, the purity you achieve, the love that you manifest – bring Me those precious things and I shall accept them as deposits.
- From Divine Discourse in Prasanthi Nilayam, July 14, 1966
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